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Passenger Trains > Coast Starlight # 11 delayed

Date: 02/04/25 21:53
Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: roustabout

A 9000' northbound HKRV manifest broke in two south of Salem (near Turner) this afternoon, delaying #11 as well as Cascades numbers 508 and 507.  The train, with a mid-terain DPU, broke in two 94 cars deep at 3:40 mph and finally got moving again at 7:00 pm.  #11 was waiting at Renard (siding just south of Salem).  Cascade # 508 was behind the manifest and had to do a saw-by at Gervais to get around it.  The longest siding on UP's Brooklyn Sub is the 8000' Hito, between Hubbard and Aurora.  11 went by my house about 4 hours late.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/25 09:13 by roustabout.

Date: 02/04/25 22:12
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: coach

When the CN boss came in a few years ago, one of the first things he did was meet with everyone, and he announced a decision that "dispatched trains must be able to fit into sidings along the lines they travel."  This led to vastly improved fluidity along the entire system.  It's almost shcoking to hear commonsense thinking like that nowadays.

Date: 02/04/25 23:39
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: BrynMawr

Time for FRA to mandate common sense, eh?

Date: 02/04/25 23:44
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: SP4360

They will be the next to get dismantled.

BrynMawr Wrote:
> Time for FRA to mandate common sense, eh?

Date: 02/05/25 03:51
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: P

SP4360 Wrote:
> They will be the next to get dismantled.

So you think the FRA is wasteful?

Posted from Android

Date: 02/05/25 07:13
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: longliveSP

BrynMawr Wrote:
> Time for FRA to mandate common sense, eh?


The US Federal Government mandate common sense?


Even implying that the US Federal Government knows what common sense is, well, is hysterical.

Date: 02/05/25 07:45
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: PumpkinHogger

Please explain in detail which FRA regulations you would like to see abolished and why.


They are all there for a very good reason.

longliveSP Wrote:
> BrynMawr Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Time for FRA to mandate common sense, eh?
> The US Federal Government mandate common sense?
> Even implying that the US Federal Government knows
> what common sense is, well, is hysterical.

Date: 02/05/25 08:15
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: MEKoch

Actually a 9000' train  is not so long, and will fit in many sidings.  But why dispatch a "no-fitter" on any piece of railroad.  

Date: 02/05/25 08:54
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: TCnR

Both 11 and 14 are in the Chico to Sacramento area at the moment, there has been heavy rain and high water in the area so we'll have to see how it plays out.

#14 due into Dunsmuir around 11:40 per Transit docs.

Date: 02/05/25 09:06
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: longliveSP

PumpkinHogger Wrote:
> Please explain in detail which FRA regulations you
> would like to see abolished and why.
> https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-49
> They are all there for a very good reason.


Who said anything about abolishing any FRA regulations?

Date: 02/05/25 11:10
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: westcoastrails

P Wrote:
> SP4360 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They will be the next to get dismantled.
> So you think the FRA is wasteful?
> Posted from Android

Please quote where he said he believes it's wasteful. With all the cuts the new administration has made to the TSA, FAA, Aviation Security Department, what's stopping them from gutting the FRA, too? I think this is what he meant and it was likely in a more satire type of way. No need to get accusatory.

Date: 02/05/25 12:31
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: SP4360

Absolutely not, but that isn't stopping Musk.

P Wrote:
> SP4360 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They will be the next to get dismantled.
> So you think the FRA is wasteful?
> Posted from Android

Date: 02/05/25 14:21
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: Soo715

Make that 14:20 into Dunsmuir, a mere nine hours and 25 minutes off the advertised....

TCnR Wrote:
> Both 11 and 14 are in the Chico to Sacramento area
> at the moment, there has been heavy rain and high
> water in the area so we'll have to see how it
> plays out.
> #14 due into Dunsmuir around 11:40 per Transit
> docs.

Date: 02/05/25 17:06
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: GoldenState

TCnR Wrote:
> Both 11 and 14 are in the Chico to Sacramento area
> at the moment, there has been heavy rain and high
> water in the area so we'll have to see how it
> plays out.
> #14 due into Dunsmuir around 11:40 per Transit
> docs.

11/14 met IN Chico this morning. 11 made the stop first while 14 was in the siding just south of the station. They physically passed at 08:41. My kid sent me two short videos as he was heading to Chico State!


Date: 02/05/25 19:00
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: NPRocky

I haven't counted the incidents, but I do try to keep track.  It seems to me that the UP is having almost constant over-the-road freight train breakdowns in Oregon now, probably mostly from continued PSR and its accompanying underfunding and understaffing.  Yes, we need to go back to regulation, but with this newly bitterly anti-regulation federal administration, that's at least four years off now.

Date: 02/05/25 19:08
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: SP3201

The 6 hour delay at Emeryville was due to a police shooting near Carlson & Cutting near the old Pullman plant per the news tonight. 548 and 14 combined to Sacramento (now that would have been interesting to see)

Date: 02/05/25 19:24
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: ProAmtrak

NPRocky Wrote:
> I haven't counted the incidents, but I do try to
> keep track.  It seems to me that the UP is having
> almost constant over-the-road freight train
> breakdowns in Oregon now, probably mostly from
> continued PSR and its accompanying underfunding
> and understaffing.  Yes, we need to go back to
> regulation, but with this newly bitterly
> anti-regulation federal administration, that's at
> least four years off now.

Regulation will make things worse!

Posted from Android

Date: 02/05/25 22:41
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: TCnR

Last month they were pulling out a drawbar almost every night for a week or two, usually around midnight but sometimes in the morning and usually with Amtrak nearby. The host RR had a work train based nearby, the local RFE or Mgmt whatever would hop on the locomotive with another crew member and go fetch the remaining cars. Usually refer to it as mechanical problems and who reads that status stuff anyways.

Date: 02/06/25 11:18
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: TCnR

Apparently there was a 'water rescue' utilizing the tracks around the Tehema area, possibly from the bridge or simply the RoW berm. There are stories of flooding in the Tehema / Gerber area,

The Dunsmuir arrival time would have been far different than the estimates in the above post.

fwiw: I-5, SR97 and SR89 were closed overnight, vehicles off the road, all sorts of mess in between Redding and Ashland.

Date: 02/06/25 17:06
Re: Coast Starlight # 11 delayed
Author: NPRocky

Regulation doesn't have to make things worse. It depends on how it's done. What we have now is what I would call "worse."

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