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Railfan Trip Reports > Chapter 2: Searching for the heat exchanger...Date: 08/05/07 09:04 Chapter 2: Searching for the heat exchanger... Author: Pattenburg Chapter 1 occurred back in February, 2007 when I set out to try and photograph the heat exchanger move along the Lehigh Line. Chapter 2 came about as a website "heads-up" regarding this move on Saturday. Driving through West Portal (NJ) around 7:56, I noticed a eastbound intermodal, symbol unknown, passing 11J holding on the passing siding at CP 67 with its seventy-five autoracks. Arriving in Bloomsbury, NS 18N's autoracks were already passing through Bloomsbury when I arrived. Its power was unknown. At 8:42, NS 21M, with NS 2764 and PRR 8360, came east after lending a hand to 11J. Evidently, 11J had a problem with one of the autoracks. NS 24V, or was this I4V, headed east with NS 9519 and NS 2770 for power. At 9:50, 11J's NS 6767 and NS 2722 left CP 67 and finally start to roll west. Heading down to Flemington Jct (CP51) to wait for the heat exchanger, NS 213 would take the passing siding at 11:07 and hold for the heat exchanger to pass. The dispatcher mentioned to the crew find a shady spot since they would have a while to wait. Three hours later at 2:10, NS P053, with NS 9567 and NS 2672, would pass by with the heat exchanger in tow. Bringing up the rear on this move was the familiar Gas Products caboose. The heat exchanger I saw back in February was very similiar to the one I saw on Saturday. It weighed in at an estimated 600,000 pounds, 145 feet long and roughly 14 feet 8 inches in diameter. That one was destined for Qatar. The final train of the day for me to see was NS 64J. Following behind the high and wide, 64J's NS 7519 and NS 9558 was bringing back empty garbage containers back to be refilled.