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Railfan Trip Reports > Cumberland/Sand Patch trip 8/28-30Date: 09/02/07 15:39 Cumberland/Sand Patch trip 8/28-30 Author: VaCentralRwy Here's a report of a midweek trip out to Cumberland and Sand Patch grade. For devotees of the Hyndman cam, an asterisk is next to symbols of trains that go by the cam.
Different locations around Cumberland as I tried to move with the sun and trains. Highlight was the KCS unit on the point of Q388-29. Hope you enjoy. (Soemday I'll figure out how to transfer an Excel file and post it here without the final result being a mash of numbers. Looked at lot better as I was typing this originally.) John Cumberland: August 28-30, 2007 28-Aug Time Symbol Cars Motive Power Beall St930 E723 BNSF703/NS9079/NS9423 w. yard 950 U881 110 570/563 Station 1010 *Q139 5471/4447/5494 Mexico 1020 Q415 72 5205/4531` " 1040 D721 19 6430/2310/2684 " 1045 *Q376 65 8354/8057 Va Lane 1055 *Q217 4824/7379 Mexico 1120 *PO30 9 158/165 w. yard 1130 U881 4759/4785 Ellerslie1230 *Q130 ~31 5372/5336 Cooks Mills1255 *Q388 111 UP4345/430/8824 " 1305 *Q394 56 8121/FURX3043/9004 " 1325 *G368 60 235/8888 Fairhope1435 *Q359 66 674/CEFX3140/6158 Narrows 1510 *Q148 0 5261/5267 " 1515 *X261 57 CEFX3118/7553 N. Branch1640 *Q148 0 5261/5267 " 1655 Q370 101 4815/4840 " 1710 Q401 118 5494/8599/8477 w. yard 1720 *Q226 8734/8860 Va Lane 1730 *Q368 5644/BNSF7800 Station 1735 *Q375 8888/235/1524 Franklin St.1815 *Q216 7790/7667 Fairhope1920 *Q138 ~118 GCFX3099/351 " 1950 *Q375 130 8888/235/1524 " 2015 *PO29 9 ?/? bg/8SL 29-Aug Mt. Savage645 *Q641 105 609/4758/5298/9048/9027/4505 Beall St.655 V636 80 677/301 Mexico 745 U878 80 4767/4801 " 835 Q415 70 4791/443 " 840 Q373 63 8608/578/679 Station 900 *Q130 ~35 5337/7324 Va Lane 905 E816 4597/163/25 Mexico 950 V636 80 677/301 " 955 *Q139 5014 N. Branch1045 *Q217 52 8752/8127 Mexico 1115 D721 30 4450/8824 " 1155 *PO30 9 bg/8SL/private " 1215 *Q139 5014/5119 " 1220 *Q376 33 8081/8032 N. Branch1220 U840 265/559 Mexico 1225 *Q352 32 7695/4569/9025/2516/5013 Foley 1350 *Q217 52 /8327; rh: 8550 " 1410 *Q359 52 FURX3043/CEFX31 /GCFX3145/CEFX7081/5013 " 1500 *S276 76 8550/FURX3035/GCFX3068 Fairhope1635 *Q389 77 7324/5337 Mt. Savage1710 *Q383 90 KCS4005/BNSF5438 N. Branch1730 Q370 99 7695/4569/609 " 1730 *Q261 8057/8354 " 1755 *S276 76 4515 Mexico 1830 Q401 578/8608 Viaduct 1845 Q316 46 231/427 Mt. Savage1900 *Q388 142 7732/221/54/8239/7806 Fairhope2010 *PO29 9 18/192 bg/8SL 30-Aug Fairhope600 *Q137 ~124 5345/5364; rh: 8595 " 635 *W055 25 5864 Herzog side-dump ballast " 655 *Q352 33 8621/7346/1045/4285/1024/4286 " 725 *B248 8595 " 730 *Q249 82 9036/7756; rh: 8525 " 835 *Q358 69 UP4953/7549/6141 " 850 *help-e 8525 " 955 *PO30 9 19/51 bg/8SL Station 1040 *PO30 9 19/51 Va Lane 1045 *Q217 4815/4849 N. Branch1050 *PO30 19/51 Mexico 1100 *Q376 58 7854/8157 " 1115 E819 261/5108 w. hump 1120 *Q130 7914/5470 N. Branch1135 Q373 121 7790/7767/2228/6483/8259 Mexico 1150 *Q139 ~64 5839/583 " 1200 U323 110 4758/428/8824 " 1210 D721 34 8239/2461 Viaduct 1300 E819 261/5108 Narrows 1355 *Q139 ~64 653 " 1400 *Q368 77 5358/8369/6064/2635 Viaduct 1430 *help-e 8525 " 1435 *Q359 100 9043/7549/UP4943 w. hump 1505 Q370 87 8814/8621/7346 Mexico 1505 Q416 97 5205/4531/8117 " 1520 E725 4785/4759 Viaduct 1535 *Q375 57 7790/7667/7914 Station 1600 Q317 52 221/HLCX6158/2684/525 Hancock 1705 *K521 74 8315/8059 empty steel " 1720 D774 22 6454/2211 " 1730 Q370 87 8814/8621/7346 " 1815 D721 60 2461/8239 " 1820 *PO29 9 94/47 bg/8SL *PO30 on 8/29 had private car "Lancaster & Chester" |