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Railfan Trip Reports > Photos Taken From #5 Zephyr Sept 9-11th

Date: 09/16/07 19:21
Photos Taken From #5 Zephyr Sept 9-11th
Author: Anonymous User

I took the PV City Of Angels from Chicago to Oakland this last week. The following links are to a slideshow of images I took during the 3 day trip. Most are from the vestibule and some are from the rear of the train. Enjoy!

# 5 Zephyr Links

Part 1: http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q22/Kravitz_bucket/rentatrain/?action=view&current=b8cb4946.pbw

Part 2: http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q22/Kravitz_bucket/rentatrain/?action=view&current=53b7406d.pbw

Part 3: http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q22/Kravitz_bucket/rentatrain/?action=view&current=8edc0953.pbw

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