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Railfan Trip Reports > Desert SW Recap

Date: 09/23/07 20:32
Desert SW Recap
Author: robertwscott

Attached is a different style of laying out the story and photos. Ive done this before, but during the compression, it seems to lose some of the clarity of the photos. Im trying this a new way to see if it works. Let me know what you think.

Robert Scott
Rochester, WA

Date: 09/23/07 20:33
Re: Desert SW Recap
Author: robertwscott

And the others....

Date: 09/23/07 22:09
Re: Desert SW Recap
Author: DelMonteX

Very professional look Robert. A1 Rating.

Steve Carter
Gig Harbor, WA
My Photography

Date: 10/31/07 13:27
Re: Desert SW Recap
Author: NscaleMike

Great recap Robert....terrific group effort as well...

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