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International Railroad Discussion > Old loco in Afganistan

Date: 12/06/06 22:23
Old loco in Afganistan
Author: wjpyper

My son-in-law, Major Rob Fraser of the Oregon Army National Guard, sent me these pix of an old German loco on display in front of the National Museum of Afganistan in Kabul. The builders plate says: Henschel & Sohn, G.m.b.H., Cassel, 1929, 12 ATM, Kessel No. 1968."

Date: 12/06/06 23:15
Re: Old loco in Afganistan
Author: africansteam

Neat photo! Cassel is the city in Germany where the loco was built, and the 1968 refers to the construction number of the cauldron (boiler).
Extend my thanks to Major Frazer for sending along the photo, and also for his service so far from home in what looks like pretty miserable conditions.


Date: 12/07/06 05:53
Re: Old loco in Afganistan
Author: pramer

Germans used to pronounce 'C' in two ways like we do, but years back adopted only the soft 'c' sound. Hence today it is spelled Kassel

Paul Ramer
Cincinnati, OH

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