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International Railroad Discussion > FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler

Date: 04/10/22 14:53
FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: masterphots

At Ollague, Chile on April 7, 2022,  one of FVA's Stadlers gets ready to take a train of metal concentrate empties back across the border to the San Cristobol mine in Bolivia.  Ollague is on the border between Chile and Bolivia at an altitude of 3,670 meters (12,040 feet).  FCAB locos never cross into Bolivia so a couple of times a day the Bolivians come over to pick up empties and drop off loads.  The railroad is meter gauge.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/22 14:58 by masterphots.

Date: 04/10/22 18:16
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: zorz

The Stadler locos look quite elegant in my opinion. I also love the old Japanese units too.

Thanks for posting!

Date: 04/11/22 09:04
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: tomstp

How does a crew get into that engine?  I see hand ladders but nothing else except maybe a door to the left.  No ladder from the ground etc.

Date: 04/11/22 09:28
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: PHall

tomstp Wrote:
> How does a crew get into that engine?  I see hand
> ladders but nothing else except maybe a door to
> the left.  No ladder from the ground etc.

Look a little closer. There are sturrup steps below the doors over the trucks.

Date: 04/11/22 15:08
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: tomstp

I see a foothold in the blue paint but nothing between the bottom of it and the top of the trucks.

Date: 04/11/22 16:27
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: jmt

Date: 04/11/22 17:44
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: WrongWayMurphy

tomstp Wrote:
> I see a foothold in the blue paint but nothing
> between the bottom of it and the top of the
> trucks.

Tom - it's hard to see because it's all black, but two stirrup steps here in red.

Date: 04/12/22 08:55
Re: FV Andinas Bolivia Stadler
Author: tomstp

Ahh, thanks.

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