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International Railroad Discussion > The Australian dash 9's have a device that ours don't have.

Date: 08/06/22 13:00
The Australian dash 9's have a device that ours don't have.
Author: pedrop

I would like to know what are those fans and screens at the side of the dynamic brake system in the GE dash 9's used in Australia. The Brazilian units do not have it.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 08/06/22 13:29
Re: The Australian dash 9's have a device that ours don't have.
Author: MitchGDRMCo

Believe they're extra oil coolers.

Date: 08/06/22 19:02
Re: The Australian dash 9's have a device that ours don't have.
Author: DKay

Very hot and dusty conditions out where they operate. I would hazard a guess and say extra cooling equipment. 

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