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International Railroad Discussion > Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)

Date: 09/12/22 19:37
Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Last weekend I travelled to São Carlos, SP to attend the annual model railroad meeting that happens in the railroad station. The city is located 640 km from my town and I went there with three friends. 
The meeting is a nice opportunity to meet friends, do new frienships and also watch different trains. São Carlos is served by Rumo broad gauge mainline, what means heavy grain, sugar and cellulose trains. But there are other commodities like fuel and also stack trains. MRS railroad also use those tracks for grains and sugar too. Rumo is the only railroad in Brazil that uses double stack trains. One of them passed by the ZSK siding around midnight.
To show you the train actions I watched there, I am dividing this series in parts. This is part 1.

1 - 2) Rumo AC44i 9850, Brado 9920 and ALL 9056 with empty grain I19 waiting a meeting with loaded grain I18 ,
3) The plate at ZSK siding:
▪︎"Início da SB" means "start of Block Section";
▪︎"Fim da SB" means "end of Block Section";
▪︎Z means Rumo broad gauge system in São Paulo state;
▪︎SK is the code for São Carlos siding;
▪︎ XH is the code of previous SB "Ibaté "

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/22 19:59 by pedrop.

Date: 09/12/22 19:46
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4 - 6) Rumo AC44i 754 and Fibria AC44i 8422 arriving in ZSK in notch 8 to win the 1.72% grade of the  ZXH - ZSK section. 

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/22 20:00 by pedrop.

Date: 09/12/22 19:51
Re: Rainfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: pedrop

7) Rumo HTT class hoppers;
8 - 9) Rumo AC44i 2528 working as DPU after 40 cars. This is one of the first units made by Wabtech of Brazil after the end of GE name.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/12/22 19:56
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: pedrop

10) The video. A full version can be watched in my youtube channel http://youtube.com/c/minasgeraisrailways1

That's all for now. 

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/22 20:00 by pedrop.

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Date: 09/12/22 22:36
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Very enjoyable series and video Pedro! Really enjoyed the broad gauge Rumo train. Very colorful power and grain cars. I see the hogger blew 2 longs-short-long for the crossing.


Date: 09/13/22 06:46
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: goneon66

outstanding video and thanks for posting............


Date: 09/13/22 07:49
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: pedrop

11 - 12) If you look carefully, you can perceive some meter gauge cars that were converted to broad gauge between broad gauge cars, like this one.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/22 07:50 by pedrop.

Date: 09/15/22 17:14
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: ProAmtrak

Cool video Pedro, love that horn too!

Posted from Android

Date: 10/03/22 20:27
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: railstiesballast

I enjoyed the whole series (8?).
What a great setting for a model RR swap meet.

Date: 10/04/22 04:46
Re: Railfaning in Rumo system - part 1(Brazil)
Author: pedrop

The whole series will have 13 parts.
Thanks to watch it.

railstiesballast Wrote:
> I enjoyed the whole series (8?).
> What a great setting for a model RR swap meet.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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