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International Railroad Discussion > South African Railtour Reborn

Date: 09/15/22 07:08
South African Railtour Reborn
Author: ETFuller

Join Peter Rogers for the rebirth of South African long distance steam excursions. In 2019, Peter worked in the planning and operation of the first rail tour in in over fifteen years, and he documents the eight day, 1100 mile rail trip through South Africa's beautiful countryside.


Edd Fuller, Editor
The Trackside Photographer

Date: 10/15/22 21:30
Re: South African Railtour Reborn
Author: TheButcherofBena

Thanks so much for posting this great story and the spectacular images!  Hope the future will bring more such excursions and certainly hope to be a passenger.  Can't imagine how this trip could be out-done. Superlative work done by all involved in facilitating this great event.  Best wishes for the future!  Hope that my friend Jack Neville was watching from above; he accomplished some fine photography on trips such as this one and was a prolific photographer of steam in many countries, including South Africa.

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