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International Railroad Discussion > BHP team in Brazil to know the Joule locomotives

Date: 10/10/22 16:13
BHP team in Brazil to know the Joule locomotives
Author: pedrop

Hi, friend in Vale mining said me that there are some guys from BHP Australia visiting Tubarão shops to know a bit more on the EMD Joule locomotives and the cathenary system developed by Vale to recharge them while working in the port area. The team will also visit EMD plant where two SD70J are being built o BHP.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/22 16:15 by pedrop.

Date: 10/10/22 19:01
Re: BHP team in Brazil to know the Joule locomotives
Author: DKay

Interesting to know Pedro. I will keep an eye out for any developments down here in the future.

Date: 10/12/22 20:26
Re: BHP team in Brazil to know the Joule locomotives
Author: zorz

pedrop Wrote:
> Hi, friend in Vale mining said me that there are
> some guys from BHP Australia visiting Tubarão
> shops to know a bit more on the EMD Joule
> locomotives and the cathenary system developed by
> Vale to recharge them while working in the port
> area. The team will also visit EMD plant where two
> SD70J are being built o BHP.
> Posted from Android

Have you seen any pics of the SD70J yet? Thanks for the update.

Date: 10/13/22 20:22
Re: BHP team in Brazil to know the Joule locomotives
Author: pedrop

Not for while. I intend to go around the EMD plant this weekend. Maybe I can see something interesting in the yard there.

zorz Wrote:
> pedrop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Hi, friend in Vale mining said me that there
> are
> > some guys from BHP Australia visiting Tubarão
> > shops to know a bit more on the EMD Joule
> > locomotives and the cathenary system developed
> by
> > Vale to recharge them while working in the port
> > area. The team will also visit EMD plant where
> two
> > SD70J are being built o BHP.
> >
> > Posted from Android
> Have you seen any pics of the SD70J yet? Thanks
> for the update.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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