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International Railroad Discussion > electric rack rail line in Brazil

Date: 03/11/23 12:42
electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: leon

Hello PedroP,

Do you have any photos of the rack rail operations with the blue center cab Stadler locomotives delivering iron ore to the port and climbing back up under the wire-It think its Sao Paolo?  

Sorry for my lapse in memory but its been many years since I have been on trainorders as a member.

OH, and can you tell me who builds the narrow guage 3 bay cement cars that you have photographed in the past?


Thank you so much,


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/23 12:46 by leon.

Date: 03/11/23 17:14
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: pedrop

Hi Leon,

When I visited the MRS rack railroad in Paranapiacaba, SP the locomotives were the japanese Hitachi. I need to plan a visit to see the Stadlers in action. The pics below I found in the internet.

1 - 2) The new Stadler locomotives.

The video in the link shows a bit about them. It is narrated in Portuguese, but you can see some details about these interesting locomotives. The grade there is 10%.
MRS Stadler locomotives
The cement cars here are tank, not hoppers. Maybe you are talking about the hoppers for lime. Do you have a pic to me understand what car are you talking about?


leon Wrote:
> Hello PedroP,
> Do you have any photos of the rack rail operations
> with the blue center cab Stadler locomotives
> delivering iron ore to the port and climbing back
> up under the wire-It think its Sao Paolo?  
> Sorry for my lapse in memory but its been many
> years since I have been on trainorders as a
> member.
> OH, and can you tell me who builds the narrow
> guage 3 bay cement cars that you have photographed
> in the past?
> Obrigadao;
> Thank you so much,
> Leon   

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/23 18:24 by pedrop.

Date: 03/11/23 20:37
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: leon

Hello Pedro,

I  think that  MRS is up to 14 of the Stadler center cab rack drive locomotives in their fleet now. 
About the hopper/tank cars; they look like the pneumatic cement trailers that
are seen on the highways-except that the sides and bottoms looked like a cows udder- 
they were that prominent with 2 bays and 2 hatches from what I remember.    
I could have sworn they were carrying the LAFARGE herald on the sides.
Did the government find anymore victims from the Vale iron ore slime dams blow out or did
they stop looking due to the depth of the waste iron ore slime?    

Thank you Pedro,


Date: 03/14/23 14:46
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: leon

Hello Pedro,

Thanks for jogging my memory , the LIZ  cement tanker cars are the ones I was thinking of.
They must be a breeze to load and unload quickly and blow cement into a silo with the
whale back design. 

If you have any pictures of the hydrated lime tank cars I would love to see them.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/23 14:48 by leon.

Date: 03/14/23 16:33
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: NSDTK

I find it interesting that the rack locomotives leave the rack, Seems like there sould be some grinding or interesting action as the wheels and drive try to sync with the rack. 

Date: 03/14/23 18:08
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: pedrop

Hi Leon,

Vale still looking for six people in area of the mud dam that collapsed. They need to recover the bodies or part of them to reopen the mines in that area.

The cement cars used by Holcim, Liz and Tupi were common seen in my area since we have many cement factories in Minas Gerais. The narrow gauge ones stopped to run years ago when Holcin closed to facilities to unloading them in Ribeirao Preto, SP. The broad gauge still running from Barbacena, MG to São Paulo, SP.

Liz stopped to send cement in tank cars and rented the fleet of TPS class cars to Holcin, now CSN cement Co.

leon Wrote:
> Hello Pedro,
> I  think that  MRS is up to 14 of the Stadler
> center cab rack drive locomotives in their fleet
> now. 
> About the hopper/tank cars; they look like the
> pneumatic cement trailers that
> are seen on the highways-except that the sides and
> bottoms looked like a cows udder- 
> they were that prominent with 2 bays and 2 hatches
> from what I remember.    
> I could have sworn they were carrying the LAFARGE
> herald on the sides.
> Did the government find anymore victims from the
> Vale iron ore slime dams blow out or did
> they stop looking due to the depth of the waste
> iron ore slime?    
> Thank you Pedro,
> Leon 

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/14/23 18:23
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: pedrop

Leon, I passed by EWL yard last Sunday (3/12) and could see the fleet of Holcim narrow and broad gauge cars stopped in the cement factory there. I think the narrow gauge won't run anymore since most cement companies prefer to use trucks to carry cement nowadays.
3) Holcin cars parked in the Pedro Leopoldo factory,

4) Tupi cement car;

5) Tupi / MRS HES hopper for cement and lime.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/14/23 18:33
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: pedrop

More pics I took years ago.

6 - 7) Holcim TPD class cars (narrow gauge);

8) Liz TPS class car (Broad gauge).

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/14/23 18:44
Re: electric rack rail line in Brazil
Author: pedrop

9)  MRS switching Liz cars here in town years ago;

9) Liz Orestein & Koppel yard switcher is still working.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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