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International Railroad Discussion > São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)

Date: 03/25/23 18:30
São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Friend Gabriel Baldi was in São Paulo, SP on Saturday 03/18 and recorded some videos in the metropolitan trains there. I edited this one showing the monorail of Line 15 - Silver. São Paulo has the biggest metropolitan system in Brazil operated by three companies. The lines are designed by colors. The monorail is the Silver line.
The map in pdf can be seen here Sao Paulo system

1) São Paulo metropolitan system;

2) Line 15 - Silver;

3) The video.

That's all for now.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/23 18:34 by pedrop.

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Date: 03/25/23 19:58
Re: São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: symph1

Does São Paulo's airport train still end a quarter mile short of the airport? I saw that last time I was there. How did that happen? 

Date: 03/26/23 01:19
Re: São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: boejoe

Thanks Pedro.  Have never been on a monorail until now!

Date: 03/26/23 05:51
Re: São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Yes, it still end there. I think the train and airport connection was not well planned at the time they built both. I imagined they planned to enlarge the airport in the direction of the train terminal in the future.

symph1 Wrote:
> Does São Paulo's airport train still end a
> quarter mile short of the airport? I saw that last
> time I was there. How did that happen? 

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/26/23 15:49
Re: São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Looks like an interesting ride on the monorail, with a different feeling senation than rail.


Date: 03/27/23 20:42
Re: São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: symph1

Ritzville Wrote:
> Looks like an interesting ride on the monorail,
> with a different feeling senation than rail.
> Larry

The monorails that run above the rail don't feel all that different. I've been on them in Tokyo and Osaka. The kind that is suspended from the single rail (Kamakura) feels diffreent, though I don't remember what the difference was.

Date: 03/29/23 19:32
Re: São Paulo's monorail (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Thr first monorail in Brazil was built in the city of Poços de Caldas, MG, a mountain town well known for its cold weather.
The project started in 1982, but took ten years to be finished, but closed again after some issues and a new opening happened in 2000, but the train derailed in its first run and the authorities stopped the project. In 2003 it was definity closed. So, that monorail never worked in a full operation. The train still parked in the first station since that time and became a tourism attraction for visitors.
Nowadays the concrete structure is falling in some locations.
BTW, the Poços de Caldas monorail  had five kilometers long and had eleven stations. I visited the city too times and could took some pictures of it.

4) The monorail during my visit in November 11, 2011.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/23 19:41 by pedrop.

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