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International Railroad Discussion > Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).

Date: 07/13/23 08:18
Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: pedrop

Vale released the project of its new battery powered unit to be built by Wabtech USA. MRS and Rumo will receive units for test too.  No data about the model was said. Any idea if it is the same model in test by some US railroads?


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 07/13/23 09:00
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: zorz

pedrop Wrote:
> Vale released the project of its new battery
> powered unit to be built by Wabtech USA. MRS and
> Rumo will receive units for test too.  No data
> about the model was said. Any idea if it is the
> same model in test by some US railroads?
> Pedro

Very cool! That looks like a much higher KWHr capacity than the designs for CN and UP. Those have walkways on the side and are hood units. This one looks much closer to the SD70J-BB for Fortesque but using 6 instead of 8 axles.

Date: 07/13/23 10:06
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: pedrop

Wabtech units for Vale

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 07/13/23 13:09
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: pedrop

Interestibgvto say that Vale received a big battery powered locomotive from China em 2022.

Chinese unit to Vale mining

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 07/14/23 10:44
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: leon

Are they using dry batteries or the more dependable
lead acid batteries?

I wonder if the builders have installed permanent magnets
and slip rings on the axles to collect low voltage electricity
to feed back to the battery banks?

In saying the above perhaps a secondary high speed gearing
on each axle with a nested permanent magnets and collector rings
with carbon brushes on each axle would be what they used?     

Date: 07/15/23 08:28
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: Ritzville

The Wabtec 3000 is a nice looking unit, hope it test well.


Date: 07/15/23 09:03
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: pedrop

Unfortunately I do not have the locomotive data to see these informations. I know that MRS rr ordered an hybrid diesel & battery unit to test in its heavy haul ore system. By the templates the company run along the system, it will be bigger and heavier than an ES44.

leon Wrote:
> Are they using dry batteries or the more
> dependable
> lead acid batteries?
> I wonder if the builders have installed permanent
> magnets
> and slip rings on the axles to collect low
> voltage electricity
> to feed back to the battery banks?
> In saying the above perhaps a secondary high speed
> gearing
> on each axle with a nested permanent magnets and
> collector rings
> with carbon brushes on each axle would be what
> they used?     

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 07/15/23 12:49
Re: Wabtech U.S battery powered unit for Vale mining (Brazil).
Author: exhaustED

leon Wrote:
> Are they using dry batteries or the more
> dependable
> lead acid batteries?
> I wonder if the builders have installed permanent
> magnets
> and slip rings on the axles to collect low
> voltage electricity
> to feed back to the battery banks?
> In saying the above perhaps a secondary high speed
> gearing
> on each axle with a nested permanent magnets and
> collector rings
> with carbon brushes on each axle would be what
> they used?     

Definitely not lead acid.

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