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International Railroad Discussion > When the train is faster than the cell phone (Brazil)

Date: 07/17/23 18:06
When the train is faster than the cell phone (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Today morning I was doing my daily walking on a road near the tracks here in town when I heard the sound of a train coming from behind. It was the L444 with two Vale BB40-9W and two VLI U20C in a hurry to fuel the tanks in EWL yard,  about 20 Km ahead. I almost had no time to open the cell phone camera to register it. Here it is what I did.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/23 18:09 by pedrop.

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Date: 07/17/23 19:53
Re: When the train is faster than the cell phone (Brazil)
Author: tomstp

I think that is the fastest train you have ever had.

Date: 07/18/23 22:37
Re: When the train is faster than the cell phone (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice power rolling right along!


Date: 09/06/23 12:20
Re: When the train is faster than the cell phone (Brazil)
Author: WatHogger

any idea why Brazilian power have 4 trucks on them?

Date: 09/06/23 13:51
Re: When the train is faster than the cell phone (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Two main reasons: 1st,  to better distribute the weight on narrow gauge tracks. 2nd, to allow them to run on tight curves. With four smaller traction motors, they have the same tractive effort of a normal C-C diesel of its class, a bit better adhesion  provided by the eight axles.

WatHogger Wrote:
> any idea why Brazilian power have 4 trucks on
> them?

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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