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International Railroad Discussion > Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)

Date: 08/13/23 19:50
Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

In this forth part, we see the train of empty containers for limestone going down hill leaving the Sabará tunnel. 
1 - 3) The C517 leaving the Sabará tunnel. This small train needs just one BB40-9W to pull the convoy.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 08/13/23 19:55
Re: Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4) The video

That's all for today.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 08/14/23 08:46
Re: Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)
Author: FiveChime

You have nice locomotive horns there, Nathan P3s just like the old Southern Pacific here in US.
Too bad they just blow randomly unlike here using the 26L crossing formations.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 08/14/23 16:15
Re: Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Thanks Pedro for another nice installment of the Sabara tunnel. Nice video! I'm surprised the whistle or horn is blown more for RR crossings.


Date: 08/26/23 06:30
Re: Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)
Author: milwaukeemike

Pedro, you sure do a great job documenting the railroading in your area. Really do appreciate it.

Date: 08/26/23 15:51
Re: Railfaning at Sabará tunnel - part 4 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Thanks sir, I do my best documenting the railroads I can visit here in Brazil. Some are very far for a common railfaning trip and need good planning in advance.
milwaukeemike Wrote:
> Pedro, you sure do a great job documenting the
> railroading in your area. Really do appreciate it.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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