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International Railroad Discussion > A question on rail builder (Brazil)

Date: 08/27/23 16:04
A question on rail builder (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

While I was railfaning near home yesterday, I found interesting pieces of rail used by old Central of Brazil (EFCB) as a fence  to the tracks. One of them intrigued me because it has OM letters on it and I am wondering if it could refer to the old "Oeste de Minas" railroad - EFOM. OM was a narrow gauge company that used 76 cm gauge and I think this piece of rail is a bit heavier than the ones I saw in OM steam site in the city of Tiradentes, MG. 
Can someone tell me what the initials " U.M.H" mean? Could OM refer to the steel mill also and not to the costumer as I understood?


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 08/27/23 17:39
Re: A question on rail builder (Brazil)
Author: engineerinvirginia

I don't speak Portuguese, as much as I would love to be able...and certainly know little of Brazilian railroads through history...but if the markings are even a little like the ones in the US, could they indicate the manufacturer of the rail, and a coded reference to the type?

Date: 08/27/23 18:43
Re: A question on rail builder (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

I imagine these are european made rail because in 1912 we do not had them been built in Brazil. 

engineerinvirginia Wrote:
> I don't speak Portuguese, as much as I would love
> to be able...and certainly know little of
> Brazilian railroads through history...but if the
> markings are even a little like the ones in the
> US, could they indicate the manufacturer of the
> rail, and a coded reference to the type?

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/23 18:45 by pedrop.

Date: 08/28/23 15:30
Re: A question on rail builder (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Interesting question Pedro, but I can't help in answering it.


Date: 08/29/23 07:34
Re: A question on rail builder (Brazil)
Author: leon

It looks like cast iron railroad rail too Pedro.

Date: 08/31/23 21:25
Re: A question on rail builder (Brazil)
Author: railstiesballast

Looks like gauge face wear and some base corrosion, likely the reason it was taken out of track and made available as post material.
The raised letter branding on North American RRs followed a format of rail weight, section, manufacturer, metalurgy, and date (year and month) but I have no idea what the convention was for Portugal or Brasil.  
The cable hole may have wiped out some of the information.
Thanks for sharing.

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