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International Railroad Discussion > Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)

Date: 09/04/23 15:25
Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

A friend asked me if I could get information with fellows here in TO on how the old telescopic railroad bridge model works. We know US had almost all type of railroad bridges developed along the time, so maybe someone here could tell us how this old model works and which engineer or company develped this kind of bridge. 
The pictures shows the Teresa Cristina rwy (EFDTC) telecopic bridge in Laguna SC, in the South of Brazil. 

1 - 3) The main mechanism to move the bridge.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/23 15:41 by pedrop.

Date: 09/04/23 15:28
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4 - 5) Part of the mechanism to move the bridge;

6) A drone view.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/04/23 15:30
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

7 - 9) More drone views.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/04/23 15:37
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

10 - 11) More drone views;

12) An old picture showing the bridge opened.

Here it is the Google view of the bridge Old EFDTC rwy bridge

That's all for today.



Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/04/23 19:19
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Interesting looking bridge, but I have no further information.


Date: 09/05/23 10:54
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: zorz

It seems to be a bridge that extended out (telescopic), but looking at the pics I'm not sure how it would do so.

Date: 09/05/23 14:40
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: SP4360

Wouldn't want to meet the guy in a bar who had to jack that thing out.

Date: 09/05/23 14:50
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

The old B&W picture in this series give us an ideia how the trestle moves: to the right, inside the other trestle. A friend told me that the was a hidraulic jack to move the small trestle to align the rails too. To open the bridge, the hidrauluc jack lower the small trestle, then it moves to the right. To close the gap, it moves to left, then raise the trestle.
zorz Wrote:
> It seems to be a bridge that extended out
> (telescopic), but looking at the pics I'm not sure
> how it would do so.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/05/23 15:02
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: Ray_Murphy

This falls into the class of retractable bridges, but it's the first time I've seen one specifically designed for railroads:


A while back I posted these pictures of a retractile bridge in Boston (it uses tracks to move the bridge sections):



Date: 09/05/23 15:20
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Ray, your thread is very interesting. It is also interesting discover that the bridge in Brazil could be the only model produced specifc to railroads.

Ray_Murphy Wrote:
> This falls into the class of retractable bridges,
> but it's the first time I've seen one specifically
> designed for railroads:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retractable_bridge
> A while back I posted these pictures of a
> retractile bridge in Boston (it uses tracks to
> move the bridge sections):
> https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?2,
> 3433996,3433996#msg-3433996
> Ray

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/07/23 17:55
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: M640

Might be a Longshot, and tuff to find but most bridges in the U.S. have a builder's plate on them.

Posted from Android

Date: 09/08/23 18:18
Re: Have you seen a telecopic bridge before? ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Yes, I know and I asked the guys there in the South to look for that builder's plate. I hope they can find it.

M640 Wrote:
> Might be a Longshot, and tuff to find but most
> bridges in the U.S. have a builder's plate on
> them.
> Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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