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International Railroad Discussion > Touristren Bogota

Date: 09/17/23 19:11
Touristren Bogota
Author: joeygooganelli

My wife and I decided to travel to Bogota Colombia this last week and while adventuring around, we discovered a tourist train that operates from near downtown Bogoto North about 25 miles. I hadn't seen much on the railroad nor had I really researched. We happened to be in the area of Usaquen and I saw on the map a station. We walked over and discovered a GE U10B switching. We then met two of their crew members and I spent a solid hour talking trains from the US and them teaching me about their railroad in Colombia. They had a ton of photographs. It was funny as we shared our engineer licenses. I plan to send a bunch of railroad things in the next week or so. 

Here's a shot of one of their engines going by the station.


Date: 09/17/23 19:19
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: joeygooganelli

Here are some more photos from Usaquen. 

Date: 09/17/23 19:21
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: joeygooganelli

Carlos and Andy were wonderful to meet and chat with. They spent the hour showing me pictures. We conversed on what was happening with their railroad. I spoke about working for a railroad in the USA. I had an incredible time.


Date: 09/18/23 08:33
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: usmc1401

Would this be a 36" gauge line.

Date: 09/18/23 09:31
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: masterphots

I'd guess meter gauge

Date: 09/18/23 14:17
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: 86235

FCN Colombia is 3' gauge

Date: 09/18/23 18:40
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: 1019X

It was neat that you could share experiences with railroaders from another part of the world. Did they speak English or can you speak Spanish?

Date: 09/18/23 18:49
Re: Touristren Bogota
Author: joeygooganelli

I speak a little Spanish. The iPhone and Google translation app work wonders. I’ve sent a ton of pics from home and they’ve sent a bunch from down south. I will most likely be back down there at some point.

Posted from iPhone

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