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International Railroad Discussion > One Month Ago: Okay, now to Warrnambool

Date: 01/13/24 09:37
One Month Ago: Okay, now to Warrnambool
Author: NMlurker

On Wednesday trains were once again operating on the line to Warrnambool but there was another snag. The train drivers (engineers) had called an "industrial action" (strike) from 3 AM to 7 AM with all early morning trains being replaced by buses. Fortunately there was a mid-morning train to Warrnambool and I would finally get to ride a locomotive-hauled V/Line train.

1. So let's try this again. Back on the same platform but with N453 this time and we would depart and make it to Warrnambool and back.

2. While waiting on the platform another N-class locomotive drifted by. I have to believe that someone will acquire these engines for freight service and maybe convert them to standard gauge when V/Line is done with them. And for anyone wondering, "PT>" is Public Transport Victoria.

3. Another view of N471, the "City of Benalla." Note the road bridge in the background which is La Trobe Street, which used to be the equivalent of Roosevelt Road at Chicago Union Station for Southern Cross station but since my last visit has been completed fenced. There are some 'clear' panels here and there but I can't imagine photographing through them.

Date: 01/13/24 09:46
Re: One Month Ago: Okay, now to Warrnambool
Author: NMlurker

4. While it was heavily overcast in Melbourne in the morning, four hours later in Warrnambool, it was a beautiful day with a pleasant ocean breeze. N453, the "City of Albury," is positioned at the platform at Warrnambool.

5. High green and high sun at mid-afternoon in Warrnambool.

6. Back at Southern Cross, our locomotive has cut off from the train and heads back for servicing. Note the Sydney XPT on one of the dual-gauge platforms at the left preparing for its early evening departure and overnight trip into Sydney.

Date: 01/14/24 14:29
Re: One Month Ago: Okay, now to Warrnambool
Author: texchief1

Nice looking unit and images!


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