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International Railroad Discussion > Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)

Date: 01/30/24 15:27
Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Now, the third and last part of my trip in Palmeira da Serra. The weather was not good, with a thin rain and fog. I also had more locations to visit in my way to mom's home. So, I left the location after this third train.

1 - 3) ES44ACi 7512 and AC44i 7390 were the leading units of this ore train. Note this ore is red and composed by small rocks like ballast. So, we can be sure it will going to a steel mill in Brazil;

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/24 15:29 by pedrop.

Date: 01/30/24 15:34
Re: Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4) The last ore car seen through tunnel 8;

5) The video.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 01/31/24 11:03
Re: Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)
Author: tomstp

The line appears to be well signaled, ot like other lines.

Date: 01/31/24 14:10
Re: Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Yes, that's MRS mainline. It is very well maintained.

tomstp Wrote:
> The line appears to be well signaled, ot like
> other lines.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/31/24 15:32
Re: Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice video of the Ore train Pedro. Like the train in lush green vegatation and seachlight signals.


Date: 01/31/24 15:39
Re: Railfaning in Palmeira da Serra - part 3 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Thanks Larry. Those are banana trees in the foreground. There are many of them near the tracks.

Ritzville Wrote:
> Nice video of the Ore train Pedro. Like the train
> in lush green vegatation and seachlight signals.
> Larry

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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