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International Railroad Discussion > Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)

Date: 02/22/24 17:47
Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

On January 28, I visited some locations along MRS Centro Line. In Afonso Arinos, I found an empty ore crossing the Preto river, that is one of the borders of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states. 

1) A dwarf signal at the end of Afonso Arinos siding, before the bridge;

2) The old station;

3) The tracks seen in the opposite direction from the bridge.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/24 18:10 by pedrop.

Date: 02/22/24 17:50
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4 - 5) A bridge over one of the canals os Preto river,

6) Preto bridge.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 02/22/24 18:00
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

7) The old masonry arch was covered with concrete;

8) Preto river has 118 meters long;

9) A piece of rail from 1864 was part of the old fence of the tracks.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 02/22/24 18:08
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

10) MRS AC44i 7323 and 7371 leading the empty ore over Preto river;

11) Unfortunately I cound not find a train crossing the previous bridge, this one over Paraibuna river. I need to come back there some day;
12) The video.

That's all for now.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 02/22/24 19:34
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: Milwaukee

Nice work.   Thank you for sharing with us.

Date: 02/22/24 19:46
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice series Pedro. Sure is nice and green. Nice video of the ore train crossing the Preto River and moving right along!


Date: 02/22/24 20:51
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: boejoe

Thanks Pedro.

Date: 02/23/24 10:05
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: tomstp

I noticed several signals on that track and the train appeared to moving 40 to 45 miles per hour. That was faster than most trains your past videos.   Lush country side is very photogenic.  Guess it is the rainey season since the river is muddy and flowing fast.  Thanks for posting.

Date: 02/23/24 12:10
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Yes, from November to April use to rain a lot in that area. The empty ores use to run fast in Centro line. Right now, all traffic is close there since there were many mudslides in the Mar hill. At least a week to open the tracks again.

tomstp Wrote:
> I noticed several signals on that track and the
> train appeared to moving 40 to 45 miles per hour.
> That was faster than most trains your past
> videos.   Lush country side is very
> photogenic.  Guess it is the rainey season since
> the river is muddy and flowing fast.  Thanks for
> posting.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 02/23/24 12:14
Re: Empty ore on the Preto River Bridge (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Thanks Larry. That is a beautifil area for sure. I love to railfaning there.

Ritzville Wrote:
> Nice series Pedro. Sure is nice and green. Nice
> video of the ore train crossing the Preto River
> and moving right along!
> Larry

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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