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International Railroad Discussion > "no one steering"

Date: 02/26/24 09:35
"no one steering"
Author: GAPRoute

Our local TV station just reported about a run-away train in India that "traveled 45 miles with no one steering." Amazing, a self-steering train. Those Indian trains must reaaly be something.

Date: 02/26/24 10:46
Re: "no one steering"
Author: tomstp

And, what else should we expect from the media regarding trains !

Date: 02/26/24 12:36
Re: "no one steering"
Author: DKay

This made the news down here in Australia last evening. I didnt catch the location though. Appeared to be a lot of open top hoppers (Ballast???).
They said the train was eventually stopped with some ''wooden chocks''
It was moving along at a good clip in the vid I saw.

Date: 02/27/24 07:51
Re: "no one steering"
Author: steve4031

This reminds me of an experience I had riding a German ICE train with my father.  This was one of the sets where passengers could watch the engineer operate the train and see the tracks ahead.  The engineer noticed me watching everything intently and invited us into the cab.  We were traveling between Cologne and Frankfurt and soon were riding along at 150 mph.   My dad asked the engineer a question.  The engineer turned around in his seat so he was facing my dad as he answered the question.  My dad yelled in panic and pointed at the window and demanded he pay attention.  I explained that the train was operated by computers and that the engineer was not putting us in danger.  It was funny though.  

Date: 02/28/24 02:11
Bad crew change
Author: dan

ABC said an employee boarded

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Date: 03/02/24 12:38
Re: Bad crew change
Author: SP4360

Where's Iron Man when you need him?

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