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International Railroad Discussion > ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)

Date: 03/16/24 15:32
ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Today morning I found a big truck with an ES44ACi frame being moved from the builder MecBrun to Wabtech, that will be used to assembly more ES44's to Rumo.

1 - 2) The truck on MG-424 road;

3) The video.

That's all for today.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/24 15:36 by pedrop.

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Date: 03/16/24 18:05
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Interesting video Pedro. Glad I'm not the Semi driver, lol.


Date: 03/16/24 18:30
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: dan

interesting rig, wonder what the costs are vs being made in the US?

Date: 03/16/24 20:21
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: boejoe

Thanks Pedro.  Looks like the truck had trouble climbing the grade in your earlier images.  Where was the DPU? - LOL

Date: 03/17/24 19:45
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

I do not know the price of these frames, but I can ask I friend that worked there with the builder. In the past, the parts came from US and Mexico. Nowadays, more than 80% of the parts are made here in Brazil.
dan Wrote:
> interesting rig, wonder what the costs are vs
> being made in the US?

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/19/24 13:53
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: RogersPass

Hi Pedro,
Great video . Question,  Any Idea how much weight is in the Chassis on the truck is please?
Cheers Brian..

Date: 03/22/24 13:15
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Hi Brian,
I visited the frame builder today. The ES44 frame weights 46 tons, including the 10 tons of steel ballast. The ES43BBi frame also weights 46 tons, but has only 1.8 tons of steel ballast since is a much bigger frame. The frame the BBi measures 23 meters long. The frames costs about R$1.8 milion reais, what means US$ 360,000.00.
RogersPass Wrote:
> Hi Pedro,
> Great video . Question,  Any Idea how much weight
> is in the Chassis on the truck is please?
> Cheers Brian..

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/22/24 13:17
Re: ES44ACi frame on the road (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

It costs R$ 1.8 milion Reais, what means U$ 360,000.00.

dan Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------
> interesting rig, wonder what the costs are vs
> being made in the US?

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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