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International Railroad Discussion > Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]

Date: 03/18/24 17:09
Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]
Author: johnusnsd

On my last work trip to Mexico for a while - and had a chance to get out east of Puebla today for a couple of hours - and got skunked!!!    The only action I caught were a light set of helpers heading east - with x-CSX 8903 (EMD SD70AH-T4) now PRLX 8903 - running a speed with only ditch lights on (gotta love Mexico).

1. PRLX 8903 - at Rinconada - running light EB (with only ditch lights) - 18-Mar-2024.
2.  I am always fascincated with the various types from grade crossing signage/protection in MX - even though the automatic signals and gates rarely function.    This is an example - of a relatively new signal mast and E-bell - but the gate has been damaged (the other signal was even worse) - and when the light power went across the roadway - none of the signals/gates functioned.    
3.  Milepost at Rinconada. 

Next road trip is a brief weekend in South Texas - and then to Calgary Canada - which is for work - but I hope to find some time to get into the mountains just west of Calgary,


Date: 03/18/24 21:40
Re: Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]
Author: krm152

Thanks for the Mexico photo posting.  #8903 was a real surprise.  
Good luck on your next trip.

Date: 03/18/24 22:27
Re: Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]
Author: joemagruder

#2 - notice the cross at the base of the stop sign.

Date: 03/19/24 04:58
Re: Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]
Author: pedrop

Nice pic of the crossing level gate. Now I understand why in military we say ALTO  to stop the troop. The word comes from spanish. In portuguese is PARE.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 03/19/24 09:30
Re: Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]
Author: Ritzville

Very interesting series!


Date: 03/20/24 18:56
Re: Mexico - Puebla Area [18-Mar-2024]
Author: johnusnsd

Thank you all - just wish I had more time - to catch for action in Mexico.    The country really is a railfans dream when it comes to mountain railroading and various power strewn about the country.    It's unfortunate that some of the most scenic areas are just not safe to bring a camera rig (for all my work trips to MX - I have always used my cell phone - so not to bring attention to myself).    However the areas I do get into - the rural areas - the locals are very friendly and the train crews are also very railfan friendly.

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