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International Railroad Discussion > Spring time in Tokyo

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Date: 04/06/24 03:20
Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi

The ex-Denenchofu, a.k.a. Garden City" station, stands still. it serves as an entrance to the Garden City.
A local commuting bus from the Shibuya station was approaching the terminal adjacent to the station.

Date: 04/06/24 04:48
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi

Yes, it is a blossom time here in Tokyo.

Date: 04/06/24 06:24
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi

Some more photos.

Date: 04/06/24 06:27
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi

Here are northbound trains approaching the Denenchofu station.

Date: 04/06/24 12:37
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: jcaestecker

Thank you Hiroshi!  I always look forward to your spring photos.  They are beautiful.


Date: 04/06/24 13:23
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: DKay

Thankyou Hiroshi , you never let us down. Stunning photos. 
Have you ever been to this Ueno Park. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/24 15:19 by DKay.

Date: 04/06/24 19:08
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: cchan006

That car looks like a Morgan Plus 8...

And that should be no surprise, since Denenchofu, the "Garden City" is also known as Beverly Hills of Tokyo. Foreign cars are expensive to own in Japan so they are often seen in upscale neighborhoods. But Beverly Hills don't have trains with 4 track mains serving the neighborhood.

Thanks for the annual ritual of sharing the cherry blossoms. Nice catch of the Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line Class 9000, and Tokyu Class 5000.

Date: 04/06/24 20:28
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: symph1

Every year you bring such joy. Thank you.

Date: 04/07/24 02:38
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


Yes, it is about time to report springtime 2024.

A Sotetsu Line EMU came down the grade toward Oh-okayama station.


jcaestecker Wrote:
> Thank you Hiroshi!  I always look forward to your
> spring photos.  They are beautiful.
> -John

Date: 04/07/24 02:49
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


You are welcome!

DKay Wrote:
> Thankyou Hiroshi , you never let us down. Stunning
> photos. 
> Regards,DK

Date: 04/07/24 03:41
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


The Denenchofu area was developed based on “Garden Cities of To-morrow” (1902) by Ebenezer Howard.  
From the top of the Tamagawa Hill, overlooking the bridge across the Tama River.


cchan006 Wrote:
> That car looks like a Morgan Plus 8...
> And that should be no surprise, since Denenchofu,
> the "Garden City" is also known as Beverly Hills
> of Tokyo. Foreign cars are expensive to own in
> Japan so they are often seen in upscale
> neighborhoods. But Beverly Hills don't have trains
> with 4 track mains serving the neighborhood.
> Thanks for the annual ritual of sharing the cherry
> blossoms. Nice catch of the Tokyo Metro Nanboku
> Line Class 9000, and Tokyu Class 5000.

Date: 04/07/24 03:45
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


Thank you for visiting this thread

A few more photos from the hill


symph1 Wrote:
> Every year you bring such joy. Thank you.

Date: 04/07/24 03:50
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi

A new face of the year, the Yokohama NAVY blue Sotetsu line EMU.

Date: 04/07/24 09:21
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: ReadingRR

I always look forward to your spring pictures and the Morgan is an added bonus.   Thank you!

Date: 04/07/24 12:48
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: railstiesballast

A whole lot of eye candy here, it must be very intense in person, pixels simply cannot convey colors that we see in our eyes.
My favorites are the ones with the buds and blossoms close and in focus, with the trains and city much softer in the background.

Date: 04/07/24 23:59
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: cchan006

Hiroshi Wrote:
> A new face of the year, the Yokohama NAVY blue
> Sotetsu line EMU.

Nice catch!

This is the result of the new Shin-Yokohama extension of Tokyu Railway, which allows Sagami Railway (nickname Sotetsu) to make a direct connection via Tokyu Railway to central Tokyo and beyond. Sotetsu already has access to Tokyo via JR East's Saikyo Line, which runs parallel to the Yamonote Line.

Sotetsu serves the western suburbs of Yokohama, and the residents now have 2 ways to access Tokyo directly, bypassing the transfer at congested Yokohama that was done in the past. And those access include the 3 busiest stations in Japan, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Shibuya.

Date: 04/08/24 06:46
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


Yes, Sir, it was a treat to see the Morgan on the street.
It suddenly showed up and parked there for a while.

I came down to the crossing next to the station to see the actions there.

A bus from Futako-Tamagawa showed up from the Tamatsutsume street.


ReadingRR Wrote:
> I always look forward to your spring pictures and
> the Morgan is an added bonus.   Thank you!
> Paul

Date: 04/08/24 06:52
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


Mother nature is not in favor of us this year.  Overcasting sky and scatting shows.
Flowers are not bright enough to show the real colour.

Meantime, Tamaga line train left the Tamagawa station.
Signal indication, Main 1 to Main 1 for Kamata.


railstiesballast Wrote:
> A whole lot of eye candy here, it must be very
> intense in person, pixels simply cannot convey
> colors that we see in our eyes.
> My favorites are the ones with the buds and
> blossoms close and in focus, with the trains and
> city much softer in the background.

Date: 04/08/24 07:02
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi


Yes, it's been a year since the joint Tokyu and Sotetsu line operation.
Only Tokyu and Sotetsu equipment are doing the full joint operations
including Sotetsu-Tokyu-Metro-Tobu or Seibu operations via the Tokyu Toyoko line and  Sotetsu-Tokyu-Metro or Toei operations via the Tokyu Megura line.

In the meantime, the Tamaga bound train was approaching the station, doubling Main 2 to Main 1.
At the bus stop, found a small commuter bus waiting for the return trip back to the Tokyo Medical Centre.


cchan006 Wrote:
> Hiroshi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A new face of the year, the Yokohama NAVY blue
> > Sotetsu line EMU.
> Nice catch!
> This is the result of the new Shin-Yokohama
> extension of Tokyu Railway, which allows Sagami
> Railway (nickname Sotetsu) to make a direct
> connection via Tokyu Railway to central Tokyo and
> beyond. Sotetsu already has access to Tokyo via JR
> East's Saikyo Line, which runs parallel to the
> Yamonote Line.
> Sotetsu serves the western suburbs of Yokohama,
> and the residents now have 2 ways to access Tokyo
> directly, bypassing the transfer at congested
> Yokohama that was done in the past. And those
> access include the 3 busiest stations in Japan,
> Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Shibuya.

Date: 04/10/24 17:06
Re: Spring time in Tokyo
Author: Hiroshi

From Tamagawa, heading toward Yukigaya via Sakura hill.
Here are some from the hill area.

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