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International Railroad Discussion > Drone view of MRS train O781 (Brazil)

Date: 06/30/24 15:16
Drone view of MRS train O781 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Today morning I tested the drone with MRS empty freight O781 at Km 629 here in town. Here are a few pictures.

1 - 3) MRS C44EMi 3931, 3933, C30-7 3752 and C36-7 3879 leading empty flat cars for containers, HAT class hoppers for plaster and gondolas for pig iron passing by Km 629 near the Astec of Brazil Co.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 06/30/24 15:19
Re: Drone view of MRS train O781 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4) The rear end. 
Our Winter is dry, so some fires are starting in many locations nearby, like we can perceive along the tracks in these pictures.

That's all for today.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 07/01/24 09:59
Re: Drone view of MRS train O781 (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Very NICE drone shots Pedro!


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