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International Railroad Discussion > Around Kanazawa

Date: 07/01/24 10:42
Around Kanazawa
Author: symph1

1 and 2, Hokuriku Railroad, Ishikawa Line, in Shin-Nishi-Kanazawa. This is the line I took from Tsurugi (see earlier thread) to where I can transfer to the line to central Kanazawa.
3 I'd transfer to this line, the Ishikawa Railroad

Date: 07/01/24 10:45
Re: Around Kanazawa
Author: symph1

1. Another train on the Ishikawa Railroad, at Nishi (west)-Kanazawa
2. Which took me to the main Kanazawa station. It's an untra modern station, but wth this lovely archway in front.
3. And where one can get the Tokuriku Shinkansen to Tokyo.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/24 10:50 by symph1.

Date: 07/01/24 10:49
Re: Around Kanazawa
Author: symph1

1. This is the super express veresion of the Tokuriku bullet train. Yes, even Shinkensan have different levels of service.
2. Going the other direction, you can take the Shink on the newly-opened extension to Tsuruga. There, you can transfer to this Thunderbird, a limited-express service to Kyoto and Osaka. It runs on the original narrow-guage line.
Thanks for looking.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/24 12:36 by symph1.

Date: 07/01/24 23:40
Re: Around Kanazawa
Author: cchan006

symph1 Wrote:
> 1. This is the super express veresion of the
> Tokuriku bullet train. Yes, even Shinkensan have
> different levels of service.

Kagayaki translated means glitter or glare, and Kagayaki trains make the fewest stops. The slower services are Hakutaka (White Hawk), Asama (only Tokyo <--> Nagano, named after a mountain near Nagano), and Tsurugi (crane, a type of bird), local service between Tsuruga and Toyama.

> Thanks for looking.

Thanks for posting!

Date: 07/02/24 09:50
Re: Around Kanazawa
Author: symph1

cchan006 Wrote:

>...The slower
> services are Hakutaka (White Hawk), Asama (only
> Tokyo <--> Nagano, named after a mountain near
> Nagano), and Tsurugi (crane, a type of bird),
> local service between Tsuruga and Toyama.
I thought Tsurugi means sword. Isn't that right? The neighborhood Pete lives in is also called Tsurugi.

Date: 07/02/24 11:04
Re: Around Kanazawa
Author: cchan006

symph1 Wrote:
> I thought Tsurugi means sword. Isn't that right?
> The neighborhood Pete lives in is also called
> Tsurugi.

It can be, but it depends on the Kanji characters: 剣 is the sword, and 鶴来 is "crane coming" where the first character is the bird, and second character is for the verb coming/arrival.

Since we are analyzing language, the original Shinkansen's fastest service, "Hikari" means light. Kagayaki ("glitter") was picked for that light reference. "Nozomi" can have 3 meanings: wish, going forward, and tackle a challenge, each with different kanji characters.

You can see that the Japanese don't take name-picking lightly.

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