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International Railroad Discussion > Two trains crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)

Date: 07/15/24 18:06
Two trains crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

   Yesterday, Sunday 14, I was walking on the road along EVP yard when I perceived that a train crossing will happen there. So I wait a bit and could watch the lime train C160 waiting on track #2 to be surpassed by empty ore M777 that entered the yard by track #1. This train had a collision two days before at Costa Lacerda yard (VCS), when a MoW machine was working on a track at side oppened the wings and hit Vale BB40-9W 1130. Pics below.

1 - 2) The machine hitten at VCS yard by train M777;

3 ) The point where the machine touched the Dash 9.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/24 05:46 by pedrop.

Date: 07/15/24 18:12
Re: Two trains crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4) Lime train C160 on track #2 waiting the empty ore M777 surpass it by track #1. At side, a couple of GE U20Cs parked on track #3 and GM BB40-3 8105 with a ballast train parked on track #4;

5) Empty ore M777 running on track #1;

6) The engineer of train C160 leaving the cab of U20C 3856.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/24 05:46 by pedrop.

Date: 07/15/24 18:17
Re: Two train crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

7) The video.

That's all for today.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 07/15/24 22:17
Re: Two train crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice video Pedro, with many trains in the yard and the moving lime train.


Date: 07/16/24 10:47
Re: Two train crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)
Author: PHall

The damaged MOW equipment is a Ballast Regulator. It moves and shapes the ballast to the desired contour.

Date: 07/18/24 19:59
Re: Two train crossing in EVP yard (Brazil)
Author: SP4360

Machine operator was promoted to foreman, to get him off the machines.

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