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International Railroad Discussion > A Great Day at the Baobab Hotel

Date: 08/21/24 14:07
A Great Day at the Baobab Hotel
Author: bobwilcox

Does anyone remember rolling them by at the Baobab Hotel, Hwange, Zimbabwe?

Bob Wilcox
Charlottesville, VA
My Flickr Shots

Date: 08/21/24 14:20
Re: A Great Day at the Baobab Hotel
Author: train1275

I wish .....

Date: 08/22/24 02:14
Re: A Great Day at the Baobab Hotel
Author: 55002

I had a great time at The Baobab, living a few doors away in the 1980s, whilst working at the power plant. Enjoying a few beers, or sitting by the pool listening to garratts or those GM diesels on the coal liner. Here's a couple from around Baobab Hill. chris uk.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/24 02:18 by 55002.

Date: 08/22/24 02:17
Re: A Great Day at the Baobab Hotel
Author: 55002

A photo taken from The Baobab, when the rains came. Fabulous storms, but usually caused chaos at the power plant with one or two units tripping off due to the lightening strikes. The coal for the power station came via conveyor, so no coal trains. Very occassionally a train did arrive, bringing a tank car of chemicals or some spares from RSA.  chris uk.

Date: 08/22/24 12:58
Re: A Great Day at the Baobab Hotel
Author: train1275

Nice images 55002 !!

Anyone have more of this area ?

Date: 08/23/24 08:14
A few from July 1984
Author: frntinplate

Spent a few hours at the hotel overlooking the line below, had a beer, then kept going.   Great times. 

Date: 08/23/24 08:17
Re: A few more from July 1984
Author: frntinplate

Long time ago, wish I could have made more trips. 

Date: 08/23/24 08:53
Re: A few more from July 1984
Author: 55002

Excellent set of photos, Tinplate. A lot of beer was consumed at The Baobab!! chris uk.

Date: 08/23/24 09:12
Re: A few more from July 1984
Author: train1275

Nice scenes !

Date: 08/23/24 20:33
Re: A few more from July 1984
Author: E25

Thanks, guys!  Great scenes from a bygone era.  'Sorry to say that I missed seeing SA during its classic steam operations.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 08/25/24 14:59
Re: A few more from July 1984
Author: masterphots

Probably spent a month of nights there with Dusty Durrant & Co,  ca 1980-84.  What fun.   And Garratts pounding by below in the dark.  Margaret running the place.  I remember asking her about the bar/disco downhil from the hotel.  Her answer:   "Quite nice if you fancy VD"   Nuff said.

Date: 08/26/24 17:19
Re: A few more from July 1984
Author: tomstp


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