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International Railroad Discussion > The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)

Date: 09/04/24 18:04
The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

   Yesterday 09/03/24,  I visited the new iron ore facility under construction near Nova Granja railroad yard. VLI first ore train was loaded there yesterday and a friend invited me to take a look on it. Train M968 (M stands for "minério" - ore) had 84 GDE class ore cars with 100 tons gross tons each. A trio of Vale mining GE BB40-9W's were sent to take this first train. The video and pics of that train will be added in a different thread soon. Now, let me show the Nova Granja Intermodal Terminal by images and video done with my cell phone and DJI drone.

1) A drone view of the intermodal terminal for lime, limestone, steel and now for iron ore too;

2) A space for three more tracks for iron loading;

3) The area is huge and will receive much more cargos in the near future. 

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/24 18:31 by pedrop.

Date: 09/04/24 18:10
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4 - 6) More views of the huge area od the Nova Granja intermodal terminal with the first consist of Vale mining ore cars being loaded yesterday.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/04/24 18:15
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

7 - 8) The front loaders loading the consist of VLI train M968;

9) The new space for iron ore and the area for unloading steel coils from the containers and load limestone in the same containers.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/24 18:31 by pedrop.

Date: 09/04/24 18:21
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

10) Sorry, but the video was recorded in cell phone mode. I didn't perceived the model while recording with the drone. It was a hot day, 33C and very dry, 24% of humidity after more than 140 days without any rain.  


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 09/04/24 18:37
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

11 - 12) Pictures taken with my cell phone;

13) One of the many ore trucks that do a 110 Km trip to bring the ore to the Intermodal Terminal.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/04/24 19:39
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice shots of what looks like a huge facility, very interesting. Nice video Pedro! You dry weather is worst than our dry spell. Going to be 98 here tomorrow and thru the weekend.


Date: 09/05/24 10:28
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: tomstp

That is going to be a huge facility.  I would imagine the front loaders will give way to tipple loading when the project is complete.   I see both large gauge and narrow gauge track.

Date: 09/05/24 13:16
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: jtwlunch

Is the iron ore mined right there or trucked in from another location?  Is the limestone mixed in with it or treated as a separate commodity?

Date: 09/05/24 16:12
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Hi, the iron ore is mined 110 km (69 miles) away and trucked to this loading area. The limestone is treated as a different commodity and sent to the steel mills daily in trains with 84 gondolas and 36 flat cars with two containers each.

jtwlunch Wrote:
> Is the iron ore mined right there or trucked in
> from another location?  Is the limestone mixed in
> with it or treated as a separate commodity?

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 09/05/24 16:17
Re: The new iron ore facility near here (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

The steel coils comes from the steel mills inside the containers that carry limestone for them.

> jtwlunch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is the iron ore mined right there or trucked in
> > from another location?  Is the limestone mixed
> in
> > with it or treated as a separate commodity?

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/24 16:39 by pedrop.

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