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International Railroad Discussion > Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2

Date: 10/08/24 17:52
Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

In this second part, I will show our time in Jeceaba and São Brás do Suassuí towns. Jeceaba is famous for its railroad junction where MRS Paraopeba Line meets the Ferrovia do Aço (Steel Railroad).

1 - 2) The famous North Viaduct of the "Ferrovia do Aço" cross over the Paraopeba Line. There are three tracks lines conneting bolth railroads in this point;

3) Here it is a sketch of the junction.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/24 17:55 by pedrop.

Date: 10/08/24 18:06
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

4) In this drone view, we see the tunnel before the North Viaduct. After the tunnel is the P1-07 yard, where MRS has a shops for MoW machines. The yard is connected to Sumitomo Steel plant that produces tubes for petroleum industry;

5) From left to right, Chris Guss, me and Steven Glischinski with the tunnel of picture 4 in the background;

6) A loaded iron ore train coming from P1-03 yard cross the North Viaduct in the direction of the P1-07 yard where it will receive a DPU in the rear end.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 10/08/24 18:16
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

7) An empty ore is running on the Paraopeba Line coming from Joaquim Murtinho yard  and on the way to one of the ore mines near Belo Horizonte;

8) A loaded ore train is entering the Loop 1000 and then the Loop 3000 to enter P1-07 yard where it will  enter the Ferrovia do Aço (FA);

9) A loaded iron ore train passing by Jeceaba station is heading to the FA using the Loops 1000 and 3000. In the background, we see the North Viaduct.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/24 18:18 by pedrop.

Date: 10/08/24 18:28
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

10)  A freight train at Jeceaba station waits the loaded ore train to clear the section to receive licence to move to Joaquim Murtinho yard with the leading unit running with the long hood forward;

11) A loaded ore train approaches a crossing level in São Brás do Suassuí (difficult name to foreing people, I know). This section is dual tracks and in a few minutes another loaded ore train will arrive running side by side with this one;

12) The second train running side by side with the first one.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/24 18:30 by pedrop.

Date: 10/08/24 19:06
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

13) The read DPU will run until the P2-06 yard in Bom Jardim de Minas;

14) The sings at the crossing level;

15) The video of a loaded ore train entering the junction at Jeceaba. To rear the sound  alive of this heavy train climbing the grade at notch 8 was fantastic.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 10/08/24 19:08
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

16) A drone video showing how Jeceaba is.

That's all for today.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 10/08/24 20:33
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: FiveChime

Great photos & video an good coverage of the junction.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 10/08/24 21:20
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: Ritzville

Very NICE series! Lots of great drone pictures and video. You guys look like you're having a great time railfanning.


Date: 10/09/24 16:07
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

Thanks Larry. We had great times railfaning, in spite of the hot and dry weather. Since April we do not see a drop of rain here in my area. Today we had 38C. It's like a desert.

Ritzville Wrote:
> Very NICE series! Lots of great drone pictures and
> video. You guys look like you're having a great
> time railfanning.
> Larry

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 10/09/24 16:08
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 2
Author: pedrop

Thanks Jim. More parts of the trip will come soon.

FiveChime Wrote:
> Great photos & video an good coverage of the
> junction.
> Regards, Jim Evans

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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