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International Railroad Discussion > Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops

Date: 10/20/24 02:45
Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: yooperfan

I'm making a trip to Australia and am wondering if there are any good train related hobby shops in Syd and Mel that are accessible by public transportation?

Thank you.

Date: 10/20/24 16:01
Re: Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: 4745

Can you tell me what you are looking for. Scale and nationality?
Sydney and Melbourne do have a couple of very good model train shops close to railway stations.
But you will be disappointed if you are after American prototype.
There are more shops around, but Australian prototype models are now readily available here. 
They are as good as the best from the US. 
The internet allows us to order things from the rest of the world at reasonable rates.
Any questions and I will try to answer them.


Date: 10/20/24 23:22
Re: Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: yooperfan

Thanks Graham.

Actually, I'm not looking to purchase model ry stuff. Hoping more to find magazines or books about prototype trains . It's very hard to find railway literature in regular bookstores (which are now also hard to find themselves).

Thanks again.


Date: 10/21/24 00:46
Re: Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: 4745

There is one shop here in Sydney that might be of interest to you then.
The Australian Railway Historical Society NSW division has a shop at Waterloo that could be useful,
a large selection of new and second hand books, as well as their research area.
On line as well I think.


Date: 10/21/24 13:51
Re: Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: NMlurker

I would like to endorse Train World, 290 Bay St., Brighton (Melbourne) VIC which is practically in sight of the North Brighton station on the Sandringham line. They have a lot of used railroad books that tend towards Australian and British coverage.

It has been a few years, but isn't there a nice railroad-themed bookstore at the main station in Sydney?

Date: 10/21/24 15:24
Re: Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: 4745

The shop that was at Central Railway Station is now near the new Metro station at Waterloo.

Date: 10/29/24 03:42
Re: Sydney and Melbourne hobby shops
Author: yooperfan

Thank you guys.  I was easily able to find both shops, and they were each amazing.


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