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International Railroad Discussion > Fascinating Art -Need Location Please

Date: 10/20/24 20:00
Fascinating Art -Need Location Please
Author: JimBaker

I found this on the Net with no information as to where the location.
Artist being Frederick Lea is all I can determine.

Thanks in advance--  James R. Baker, Whittier California


James R.(Jim) Baker
Whittier, CA

Date: 10/20/24 20:32
Re: Fascinating Art -Need Location Please
Author: dwatry

British Rail Southern Region with an unrebuilt Bulleid Pacific on the point.  Someone else will have to guess the more specific station location, but the cars look like they are supposed to represent a Pullman trainset.   Looks like a banking engine on the rear. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/24 20:33 by dwatry.

Date: 10/26/24 03:29
Re: Fascinating Art -Need Location Please
Author: 86235

An artistic impression of Ilfracombe I'd say, with the Devon Belle leaving.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 03:31 by 86235.

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