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International Railroad Discussion > Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4

Date: 10/23/24 17:14
Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

   Here it is the fourth part of my trip with Chris Guss and Steven Glischinski.

   On August 17, we followed the empty limestone train C703 leaded by VLI BB36-7 735 with the DPU 748 in the end. It took the whole day since the train stopped for crossing and also for track maintenance. But it was a great day running through beautifull locations and also not so beautifull city neighborhoods.

1) We started our trip all Engenheiro Bhering shops where the trains stops for fueling. We couldn't enter the shops,  but we could take same pictures from outside;

2) Locomotives inside Bhering shops;

3) VLI has a few Alco MX620 nowadays. Most of the fleet was scrapped about ten years ago.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:07 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 17:30
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

4)  For those who wants to railfaning in Brazil, I recommend to be warnned on snakes. The area around Bhering shops has a huge amount of dangerous snakes. This big one is a rattlesnake we found about five feet from where we were photographing. Two more steps ahead could be a tragedy. That's why I recommend to stay far from the grass in such locations and also to use boors and the snake protections on the legs;

5) A BB36-7 under maintennance in Bhering shops;

6) Train C703 in the neighborhoods of Lavras.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:07 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 17:32
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

7) The DPU of the train C703;

8 - 9) C703 near Lavras airport.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:07 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 17:36
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

10) Steven taking pictures of train C703;

11)  The old steam houndhouse of Ribeirão Vermelho near Lavras;

12) The bridge over Rio Grande river also serves the road.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:07 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 17:49
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

13) A drone view of the bridge over Rio Grande river;

14) The beautiful Ribeirão Vermelho site with the old station and houndhouse;

15) The nice curve in Perdões is one of the many horseshoe curves of the VLI Limestone route.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:08 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 17:52
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

16) The leading unit of train C703 doing the tight horseshoe curve of Perdões;

17) The DPU doing the same curve;

18) The train at Perdões siding.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:08 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 17:57
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

19) Inspection cars in Lavras;

20) The DPU crossing a road in Perdões;

21) In the countryside of Perdões.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:09 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 18:00
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

22) The dirty roads we used to follow the tracks near Cana Verde;

23) The tracks run somewhere down there;

24) The train C703 crossed with loaded C430 in Cana Verde siding.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:09 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 18:10
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

25) One of the reasons the trains delayed so much that day was a broken rail in a crossing level in Perdões. In this picture we see the crew working to open the traffic at night;

26) At 6:22 PM the loaded train C430 was the first one to cross the road after the crew fix the broken rail;

27) The second unit.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:10 by pedrop.

Date: 10/23/24 18:19
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

28 - 29) The U20C was taking a ride to Bhering shops to be fueled and will return in the day after to Arcos yard where it works as a switcher;

30) The video.

That's a lot picture here and I think it is all for today. 

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:09 by pedrop.

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Date: 10/24/24 10:11
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 3
Author: tomstp

A 12 gauge shotgun would do that rattler a world of good.

Date: 10/24/24 10:13
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 3
Author: train1275

Awesome post !!

Date: 10/24/24 13:04
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 3
Author: Ritzville

Very NICE and interesting series with a variety of locations. Nice enjoyable video. Watch out for the snakes!


Date: 10/26/24 16:51
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: pedrop

Here it is a full version of the video, with more locations.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/24 19:10 by pedrop.

Date: 10/27/24 09:25
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 4
Author: King_Coal

Such interesting photos. Love the amount of "older" railroad buildings still standing.

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