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International Railroad Discussion > A brazilian GM G22 to Chile

Date: 11/02/24 18:23
A brazilian GM G22 to Chile
Author: pedrop

Fepasa should receive a former brazilian RFFSA/rumo locomotive.

The transfer of a GT22 locomotive must be made by Rumo to fepasa, a company with the same name as the extinct São Paulo state-owned company.

A collision with a passenger train in Chile destroyed an Sd40-2 Fepasa locomotive that had been supplied by Brazil's Progress Rail recently, requiring the company to replace the traction frame.

The machine is receiving a general overhaul in the workshops in Curitiba and already boasts a good part of the Chilean FEPASA paint standard.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/24 18:25 by pedrop.

Date: 11/03/24 09:55
Re: A brazilian GM G22 to Chile
Author: Ritzville

Looks like a good fix job!


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