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International Railroad Discussion > Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 6

Date: 11/13/24 17:38
Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 6
Author: pedrop

Here it is the 6th part of my trip with the US railfans.

1) A derailed flat car with two containers loaded with limestone rests near a crossing level in the rural area of Monte Belo;

2 - 3) BB36-7 748 and 725 leading train C530.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 11/13/24 17:41
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 6
Author: pedrop

4 - 5) Units 8526 and 735 are the DPUs of train C530;

6) The train running along the BR-354 road.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/24 17:49 by pedrop.

Date: 11/13/24 17:47
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 6
Author: pedrop

7) The DPUs;

8) Here it is a short version of the video.  The full version can be find in my Youtube channel MGRailways .
That's all for today.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/24 17:50 by pedrop.

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Date: 11/14/24 18:27
Re: Railfaning with two famous US railfans (Brazil) - part 6
Author: Ritzville

Nice series and video Pedro with your friends.


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