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International Railroad Discussion > 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2 locos now operating on Brazilian mainline?

Date: 12/18/24 08:51
2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2 locos now operating on Brazilian mainline?
Author: LTCerny

Looking to TO Brazilian experts for some information here.  Youtube videos show operations of passenger trains with 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2 locomotives on a line between Corupa and Rio Negrinho in southern Brazil.. The track seems in excellent shape and videos show meets with long freight trains.  The videos range in age from very recent to as far back as 1997.  The section of line is about 40 miles long and appears to involve steep grades.  Can anyone provide more information?

Date: 12/18/24 16:28
Re: 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2 locos now operating on Brazilian mainline?
Author: pedrop

Those locomotives belongs to ABPF, the main railroad preservation group in Brazil. They operate on Rumo rr tracks. In this link you can see more and also reserve the tickets.


LTCerny Wrote:
> Looking to TO Brazilian experts for some
> information here.  Youtube videos show operations
> of passenger trains with 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2
> locomotives on a line between Corupa and Rio
> Negrinho in southern Brazil.. The track seems in
> excellent shape and videos show meets with long
> freight trains.  The videos range in age from
> very recent to as far back as 1997.  The section
> of line is about 40 miles long and appears to
> involve steep grades.  Can anyone provide more
> information?

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 12/18/24 20:04
Re: 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2 locos now operating on Brazilian mainline?
Author: DaveL

I just watched the whole 3 hours and there is no mention of a 2-6-6-2 Loco.
However, searching further on the Tube, there is a Music Video of a 2-6-6-2. I'm not sure it is on the same line.
The 2-6-2 is used twice a week  on an "out" one day and "back" the next, schedule.
I did not see any "steep grades", but the Mike worked steadly up hill in one direction.
Also, notice the GPS is wildely inaccurate.


Date: 12/19/24 04:31
Re: 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-2 locos now operating on Brazilian mainline?
Author: pedrop

Here there are two videos of it.



Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/24 04:39 by pedrop.

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