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International Railroad Discussion > Tenshodo (Pacific Fast Mail)

Date: 12/30/24 23:14
Tenshodo (Pacific Fast Mail)
Author: cchan006

Seasoned model railroaders should recognize the name Pacific Fast Mail (PFM), importer of quality HO scale brass locomotives, mainly steam. I remember seeing their ads in Model Railroader decades ago, when I was still a kid.

Tenshodo (天賞堂) is the maker of the PFM train models. While PFM as a business is no longer around, Tenshodo is still in business in Japan. They started business all the way back in 1878 as a book publisher. They eventually made a name for themselves importing Swiss watches, some assembled onsite. By this time, their store was established in Ginza, one of Tokyo's most expensive area for real estate.

They started selling HO scale trains in 1949, as that was the hobby of the CEO at the time. This is when they opened a hobby shop on the 2nd floor in the same building in Ginza. The location remained until 2019, when the entire building went through extensive renovation and modernization. Their watch/jewelry business moved permanently to another location in Ginza, but the hobby shop returned in 2023, but on the 3rd floor.

As with other TO members, I made a "pilgrimage" to Tenshodo decades ago. However, I didn't think of documenting my visit until about 6-7 years ago, but due to my being busy chasing trains all over Japan, I could never time my visit when the store was open. So I was unable to document the original location.

- The building to the left is the Tenshodo Building. Very different from pre-2019.
- The entrance is located on the side street now.
- HO scale model in display before the elevator (Deki 600 Steeplecab).

Date: 12/30/24 23:27
Re: Tenshodo (Pacific Fast Mail)
Author: cchan006

Apologies for the (lack of) photo quality. I used an old iPod 4 that I use for listening to music, as I was in middle of food tourism and did not have any of my cameras (video or photo) with me at the time.

Pre-2019, one entered the hobby shop from the main street by going up a flight of stairs. That option is no more. Now, you have to take the elevator to the 3rd floor from the side street entrance.

There's a photo policy inside the store. Please ask an employee first. The repairman refused to be in the photos, and so the lady employee said photos are OK, but no employee pictures.

- Display window before taking the elevator.
- View inside the hobby shop, employees out of view.
- N scale Kato UP 4014 related items in the display.

Date: 12/30/24 23:46
Re: Tenshodo (Pacific Fast Mail)
Author: cchan006

I didn't have a paper or mental list of "To Buy" items at the time (I was doing food tourism). I spent time looking around to see if I needed anything, HO, N, or Z scale, but left the store empty-handed. I DO have a mental list now, so I'll probably end up buying something when I visit next.

I do have a Tenshodo in my model railroad collection, an HO scale brass DF50 diesel locomotive I bought cheap secondhand. The previous owner didn't finish repainting the model (missing a white/beige stripe), and he repainted the vents black instead of silver (original), hence the reduced price. He did change the headlight bulbs to LED, and despite lack of flywheels, the DF50 runs smooth. Not bad for a model made in 1962, first non-steam brass model from Tenshodo, I was told.

- HO scale EMUs and DMUs for sale.
- Tenshodo DF50 with the original (worn out) box.
- Closer look.

That's it for the report.

Date: 12/31/24 08:15
Re: Tenshodo (Pacific Fast Mail)
Author: masterphots

Back in my HO model days (ca late 1950s),  I bought a Tenshodo SD9 via PFM.   Quite pricey I recall.  Did a so-so job making it into SP black widow.  As for PFM,  I still have their books on various steam wheel arrangements.

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