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International Railroad Discussion > EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short videoDate: 01/11/25 17:31 EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: masterphots This morning in 90 degree heat Lolo and I decided to go for one shot of the Shovel nose GE-Alcos on the Limache vintage train out of Santiago. We've shot it many times but decided to hike up the 700 foot hill/rocks in El Tabo pass near the town of Llay Llay. Lolo was multi-tasking, with her cell phone in left hand for video and the Nikon in her right for photos. All while trying not to slide down the steep slope. Here's her short video...gotta love the vintage horns. As usual I was shooting Fuji so will won't have results until March when I'm in Colorado.
Sorry the video still in the post is not at the beginning. Neither of us could figure out how to post it at the beginning. Glad you liked the horn, which to me is the real attraction of these units. When the crew saw us on the hill they pulled the cord. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/25 14:59 by masterphots. You must be a registered subscriber to watch videos. Join Today! Date: 01/11/25 20:05 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: E25 ...and Lolo brings in the catch! You guys are having way too much fun.
Greg Stadter Phoenix, AZ Date: 01/12/25 12:51 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: up833 That horn! Ghost of the MILW electrics.
RB Date: 01/16/25 10:18 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: BoilingMan Lo Lo in Llay Llay?
SR Date: 01/16/25 11:25 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: dan tourist mainly ride this one?
Date: 01/20/25 06:45 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: masterphots BoilingMan Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Lo Lo in Llay Llay? > SR > > That's where we ended up for lunch. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/25 06:49 by masterphots. Date: 01/20/25 06:48 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: masterphots dan Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > tourist mainly ride this one? No, 98% locals. So far EFE has gotten nowhere selling these trains to the tour operators. Probably because it's a long day (13 hours), although they could ride the train over to either destination and return immediately by bus. But for locals, it's a nice outing. In Limache there are things to do, including riding the commuter train to Valparaiso. San Antonio has the usual port stuff, plus a casino. What's not to like? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/25 06:50 by masterphots. Date: 01/20/25 12:26 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: 86235 They sound great.
Date: 01/20/25 13:44 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: DocVooDoo Great little video and love the sound...How often does this route run, and where exactly is it to/from? Thanks vr vd
Date: 01/20/25 14:29 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: masterphots DocVooDoo Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Great little video and love the sound...How often > does this route run, and where exactly is it > to/from? Thanks Pretty much monthly on Saturdays. Vintage trains from Santiago to the city of Limache, about 75 miles. This is the wide gauge,( 5'6") mainline from Santiago to Valparaiso. Freight only except for these excursion operations. The older cars, with opening windows, are 1920s vintage. The streamlined cars were built in 1955. Roundtrip fare is US$35. The same train also runs from Santiago to the port of San Antonio most every weekend in high season (summer) and twice monthly the rest of the year. Alll trains are usually behind the two GE-Alco shovel nose diesels. If not, for any reason, they rent a Fepasa or Transap SD39M-2 for the day. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/25 14:34 by masterphots. Date: 01/20/25 14:44 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: BoilingMan masterphots Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > BoilingMan Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Lo Lo in Llay Llay? > > SR > > > > > That's where we ended up for lunch. It was just fun to say! SR Date: 01/20/25 16:04 Re: EFE Chile GE Shovel Nose action...short video Author: pedrop Nice short video. The horn is really different. Great!
Pedro Rezende Vespasiano MG, https://youtube.com/c/minasgeraisrailways1 |