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International Railroad Discussion > Livestock traffic in Australia

Date: 01/22/25 12:08
Livestock traffic in Australia
Author: PumpkinHogger

Kinda suprised to learn of this, actual live cattle being shipped for processing.  

Last such moves in the US were what, about 1984?



Date: 01/22/25 13:20
Re: Livestock traffic in Australia
Author: DKay

Hasnt been any here in New South Wales in many years. QLD possibly the only state still doing livestock hauling.


Date: 01/22/25 13:24
Re: Livestock traffic in Australia
Author: ts1457

PumpkinHogger Wrote:
> Last such moves in the US were what, about 1984?

It lasted into the 1990s, mid or maybe even later.

In 1992, I missed a chance to see the train with pigs for LA by about 15 minutes, but I could still smell it.

Date: 01/22/25 14:28
Re: Livestock traffic in Australia
Author: pedrop

The picture in the news looks a grain train. So,I imagine this cattle train is a project for a while.
I am wondering why the things changed again. The cattle trains ended everywhere due to the construction of refrigeration companies near the farms, so it wasn't necessary to send the cattle in a far trip to be processed into meet in the big centers. Why they will change this logistics again?

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/22/25 16:17
Re: Livestock traffic in Australia
Author: 9E56

We still have cattle trains in Queensland, running on all three inland trunk routes to meatworks on the Pacific coast. 

I caught an empty one on Tuesday, just down the road from my home. Watco East-West is the operator, and although this train had only 19 wagons, they can have as many as 42 wagons.

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