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Railfan Technology > Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner

Date: 08/08/21 14:19
Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: miralomarail

Yesterday I started trying to catch up on Slide scanning , however a issue came up that I have never had before.
After the Slides were scanned and they showed up for viewing there was a Large Green Check mark next to each image, does anyone have any Ideas on how to remove the Check Marks ?

Tom Hirsch
Cherry Valley, Ca

Date: 08/09/21 03:25
Re: Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: acltrainman

Not sure but maybe it was uploaded tp the clous. I had a lot of photos that somehow got uploaded to the cloud and my shots on computer nad green check marks by them.

Stanley Jackowski
Valrico, FL

Date: 08/09/21 20:28
Re: Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: ironmtn

Haven't seen that before with my V800. It seems odd that it would be a feature only on the V600, and not the V800.

Is the checkmark embedded into the scanned image body, or is it just in a surrounding frame? Usually when there is some kind of checkmark like that used, it is in a surrounding frame, and can removed / deactivated (for whatever function it was intended) just by right-clicking on it with your mouse. A fairly common software feature in a number of applications.

What software and what version are you using?


Date: 08/10/21 07:33
Re: Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: robj

miralomarail Wrote:
> Yesterday I started trying to catch up on Slide
> scanning , however a issue came up that I have
> never had before.
> After the Slides were scanned and they showed up
> for viewing there was a Large Green Check mark
> next to each image, does anyone have any Ideas on
> how to remove the Check Marks ?
> Tom Hirsch
> Cherry Valley, Ca

Kinda lack of detail. Apple or Windows?  The check mark is in the actual scanned file when editing.  Showed up for viewing where? Viewing with what?



Date: 08/10/21 08:43
Re: Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: TCnR

Almost sounds like a trial software trick, have to buy something to remove the check mark.

More info would be helpful though, Apple stuff and Windows stuff have different ways to find things. Need to find out what the scan s/w is, or perhaps just go straight to VueScan s/w which a number of folks have had good luck with and there's lots of posts about it.

Date: 08/11/21 10:45
Re: Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: DGOLDE

What program are you using to scan your slides?  Are you using the Epson program or the SilverFast 8 program?  I have an Epson V850 pro.  When I first got it I used the Epson program to test the scanner but then I added the SilverFast 8 program and with a quick lesson from SilverFast in how to use their program I have been using SilverFast 8 for scanning ever since the the results have been excellent.  One thing to note is that I keep all my scan files on my iMacs's hard drive and I do not keep anything in the cloud.  I also use Apple's Time machine program to backup all my files to two hard drives.  Lastly if you have questions about your scanner don't be afraid to call Epson customer service and tell them your problems and ask for help.  I bet that Epson can answer you question about the check mark.

Date: 08/18/21 15:53
Re: Scanning Slides with my Epson V600 Scanner
Author: LV95032

Sounds like a software issue not a scanner issue.

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