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Railfan Technology > Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator

Date: 09/17/21 10:58
Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator
Author: koloradokid

Any of you out there had any experiences with this item.  Just curious.


Date: 09/17/21 12:40
Re: Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator
Author: TCnR

Took a quick look around, noticed B&H doesn't have them, which is a sign. I did find a detailed discussion with photos on a photography discussion site:


I'm not a fan of this technique, I'd rather go with a traditional scanner and PhotoShop ( PSE actually ).

Date: 09/17/21 21:47
Re: Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator
Author: koloradokid

TCnR Wrote:
> Took a quick look around, noticed B&H doesn't have
> them, which is a sign. I did find a detailed
> discussion with photos on a photography discussion
> site:

As an older item, not surprising.  B&H doesn't have any otheres either.

> https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/4075161

Some interesting reading.  More research is in order.

> I'm not a fan of this technique, I'd rather go
> with a traditional scanner and PhotoShop ( PSE
> actually ).

Your choice.  There seems to be a lot of thoughts for either method.  See an Railfan & Railroad  issue from about a year ago.  Sorry, I don't have exact issue handy.

And you didn't answer the question!


Date: 09/17/21 23:19
Re: Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator
Author: TCnR


The idea has been around a long time, I fooled around with something like this a long, long time ago. Not sure if you're making Dup's or making digital images, there are folks on TO making digital images and have posted their photos. Not sure what the search word would be.

Date: 09/18/21 00:52
Re: Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator
Author: trainjunkie

Kind of an old post, but here's my experience with a duplicator versus a scanner.


Date: 09/27/21 10:04
Re: Ohnar 2.5x slide duplicator
Author: koloradokid

Toying with the Ohnar, I see some good looking renderings of the slides, but even at the 1.0 setting, the reuslts are about one half of the original image.  Not sure what I am missing.  I got the proper T-ring for my Canons, but the reults are, well, dubious.  A lot of these ask for a 2 x tleextender, but my mind won't come up with anything but more magnification.  Ideas?


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