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Railfan Technology > Font size for TO messages and message headers

Date: 08/22/22 09:24
Font size for TO messages and message headers
Author: DocJohn

I have just retired my Dell Vostro 3500 laptop with small screen at 1360 x 768 resolution, and replaced it with a Dell Precision 7720 monitor with 1920 x 1080 monitor.  TO messages appear in tiny font.  Firefox font settings don't affect TO.

How do I get larger fonts on TO?


Date: 08/22/22 19:18
Re: Font size for TO messages and message headers
Author: NSDash9

Hold down the Ctrl key and at the same time click the + or - key to increase or decrease the font size.

Chris Toth

Date: 08/29/22 02:29
Re: Font size for TO messages and message headers
Author: E25

That's a nice laptop,  Lots of drive options.  Very modular and easy to work on.  Not sure if it will run Win 11, but 10 works very well on it.

You can also set font sizes and other "appearance" features in the "Ease of Access" menu available in the "Settings" tab from the "Start" menu.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/22 02:36 by E25.

Date: 08/29/22 14:27
Re: Font size for TO messages and message headers
Author: DocJohn

Thank you, Greg.  You gave the correct answer for Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22;.04.  I need about 1.3X magnification with the Dell 7720 as well as my other PCs with 24-inch monitors.  Dell 7720 works  very nicely with the Insider version of Windows 11 Pro.  So far, I haven't figure out how to set the magnification to 1.3 x.  Minimum magnification appears fixed at 1.5.  That and other features make Ubuntu my preferred OS.  Some of my clients want my reports and presentations in nothing but MS, although one now wants not only Windows but Google Chrome for my remote presentations.


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