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Railfan Technology > Nikon P-1000 camera

Date: 12/05/22 15:16
Nikon P-1000 camera
Author: spmike1486

On paper, this camera appears too good to be true. Up to 3000mm of telephoto power. Any input concerning this camera would be appreciated. 

Date: 12/06/22 07:58
Re: Nikon P-1000 camera
Author: NormSchultze

Go to www.dpreview.com and search in "cameras" for a review.   

Date: 12/06/22 12:19
Re: Nikon P-1000 camera
Author: clem

Sensor width 6.17mm, so actual max focal length is 3000/(36/6.17) = 514mm. The trick to a very large 35mm-equivalent focal length seems to be to shrink the sensor.

How to shrink tne sensor?

1) Provide fewer pixels. The prosumer Nikon Z7 (for comparison) provides 8256 horizontal pixels, the P-1000 provides 4608.
2) Make the pixels smaller. The Z7 pixels are 4.36 microns wide, P-1000 pixels are 1.34 microns wide.

So fewer pixels increases the focal length by a factor of 1.8, and shrinking the pixels increases it by 3.26. Together, they provide a factor of 5.83. So all Nikon had to do was provide the equivalent of a very slow full frame 514mm (3000mm/5.83) telephoto lens on that body. Still pretty impressive. 

The downside of (1) fewer pixels is reduced resolution, but then some people think that todays full frame resolution is more that most photos need.
The downside of (2) smaller pixels is probably reduced sensitivity; I see that the P-1000 tops out at ISO 6400. That's a bit low these days.

(I'm not a Nikon user so I may not have gotten all the dashes right in the model numbers. If I didn't, I hope HotWater will correct me. :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/22 12:21 by clem.

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