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Railfan Technology > The problem with H&W film

Date: 12/16/22 09:42
The problem with H&W film
Author: refarkas

For three or four months in 1972, I experimented with H&W film. While it really was a super film with grain as small as Kodachrome's grain, it had what for me was a fatal flaw. I was used to processing Kodak Tri-X which was very forgiving of less-than-perfect agitation when it was developed. H&W took two or three times the shaking to get rid of tiny air bubbles which showed up on the positive (What you see here) as tiny white dots. H&W also scratched more easily. 
Here is a blow-up of a tight crop from the same roll of film as the image of CGW 214 posted earlier today.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/22 01:09 by refarkas.

Date: 01/20/23 05:12
Re: The problem with H&W film
Author: engineerinvirginia

I dunno....I like it...warts and all....

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