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Railfan Technology > C.O.R.P. frequencies and Radio Reference question

Date: 12/23/22 09:43
C.O.R.P. frequencies and Radio Reference question
Author: 4451Puff

    Yesterday, I did a Google search for "Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad frequencies. The usual page from the Radio Reference site with that info popped up right at the top of the search, however, the info seemed incomplete & outdated, and I later found a 2018 datestamp.
   When I attempted to dive deeper into the R.R. site, a prompt came up saying a subscription is now needed to get access to more current & in-depth databases. Thats okay, the price seems reasonable ($30 a year) and like most things, there are expenses that need to be covered.
    My question is two part; 1. For those who are subscribed, is the "new" R.R. with the subscription, as good or better than the old site?
    And 2. Does anyone have the current C.O.R.P. frequencies?

Desmond Praetzel, "4451 Puff"

Date: 12/23/22 11:15
Re: C.O.R.P. frequencies and Radio Reference question
Author: TCnR

Here's what I have, the Medford south is the most recent confirmation.
Medford north runs mostly late at night so I'm not too sure if it's still in use. I do remember some chatter close to Eugene but it's been a while.

160.440 CORP Medford North
160.455 CORP Medford south - confirmed
160.230 CORP

I've been hearing about some scam subscription operations that take over simple hobby info sites. Don't know much about that though.

+ The Weed / Hornbrook / Medford operation has been running in the past week or so, but not everyday. The south end power is usually parked on the wye at Weed, so when it's missing they are most likely out on the road. They seem to be parked in the afternoon, after two or so. Also spotted some covered hopper cars at Montague last week.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/22 11:20 by TCnR.

Date: 12/23/22 17:21
Re: C.O.R.P. frequencies and Radio Reference question
Author: 4451Puff

On my drive north on I-5 from Canyonville to Salem taday we passed a SB freight at Rice Hill at about 1 PM.  I'm not sure if that's the norm, of they ran daylight on account of the frozen weather, although once south of Eugene ice wasn't an issue. 

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