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Railfan Technology > Ham Radio DMR & Railfans

Date: 01/31/23 10:35
Ham Radio DMR & Railfans
Author: kg6nlw

For those that know what DMR on ham radio is, and use it, I want your input.

I know there are a handful of BrandMeister DMR talkgroups for railfans/model railroaders...Who uses what and can you suggest any popular talkgroups to use? I have a handful programmed into my DMR radios and key them once in a while but I haven't seen or heard anyone on most of them even through the "last heard" page.


-Frank C.

Frank Christ
Cloverdale, CA
FranksRails Photography, LLC.

Date: 04/03/23 19:12
Re: Ham Radio DMR & Railfans
Author: grafton84

Frank, I have a similar interest in contacting other active railfans using amateur radio. I'm new to digital ham modes (have a Yaesu HT which uses a different protocol). It seems like an obvious idea, but hadn't heard much about it yet. Curious to see if a 'critical mass' of railfan/hams can converge on a technology and protocol. I'm certainly open to going the DMR route as I'm not yet 'married to' the YSF platform yet.

KD4WOR (current sign which may change soon)

Date: 04/08/23 21:40
Re: Ham Radio DMR & Railfans
Author: kg6nlw


Good to see I'm not alone. It used to be there was a handful of simplex channels on 2m for "rail-hams" but like many things, that seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. DMR would fill that gap and bring the international railfan community together I think. Many of the digital modes, YSF to DMR, etc., can be linked together with the right equipment.


-Frank C.

Frank Christ
Cloverdale, CA
FranksRails Photography, LLC.

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