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Date: 02/26/23 18:28
Website Hosting
Author: wabash2800

Any recommendations? I'm not interested in free web-hosting and have to be able to do ecommerce. I have been with wix.com for about ten years. There have been some issues of late and it is time to move on.(My website is down now.) I pay about $44 total a month which includes a $5.00 a month fee to interface with Paypal for my ecommerce.  I also don't need to pay someone $500--$1000 to set up my website. I've done that all on my own.The support sucks too.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/23 18:29 by wabash2800.

Date: 02/26/23 19:59
Re: Website Hosting
Author: radar

Trainorders offers hosting to members.

Date: 02/27/23 08:41
Re: Website Hosting
Author: TAW

I have several websites and email accounts on www.bluehost.com. I have no complaints (and I'm picky).


Date: 03/01/23 04:21
Re: Website Hosting
Author: newtonville150


Date: 03/01/23 19:18
Re: Website Hosting
Author: norm1153

If Bluehost referred to above is the one in Utah, they get my vote as well.


Date: 03/01/23 19:39
Re: Website Hosting
Author: wabash2800

Folks, it's funny, my website is off line and I can't log into my account as their site doens't recoginize it, my username or password. And when I go to support they need my website address etc., but don't recognize it! But they are still taking money out of my business checking account montlhy. My domain name throgh GoDaddy is active and not expired.

Victor Baird

Edit: The webhost hosted my website about ten years and this?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/23 16:57 by wabash2800.

Date: 03/15/23 12:54
Re: Website Hosting
Author: wabash2800

A niece was able to help me get in touch with support (farmed out through another entity). We tried a few things but the kicker is that they don't show me having an account, even though I have been with them about ten years and religiously paid my fees every month automatically via by business checking account. Support suggested I start over and it was likely I'd have to start from scratch. I told them to forget it and that I'd find another web host if I had to do that. I also had my bank stop the automatic payments.

It seems pretty obvious that I was hacked. Last year I got a bogus banner on my website that my domain name had expired (it had not expired based on my domain name provider). At that time I was able to access my account and support but the web host did not accept responsibility and kept asking me if I share my password with anyone, etc., etc. So within a few days my site was back up, and I assumed whatever happened was fixed.

Fast forward to about a week and half ago, my site was down, and I could not get into my account. I think based on what happened last year, perhaps someone at the webhost decided they didn't want to deal with it this time and deleted my account. Or the hacker was pretty slick and he deleted it for me. (Incidentally, my host is foreign and based in Israel.)

I don't look forward to starting the website over from scratch, but I suppose sometimes Internet fraud is cost of doing business.

Victor Baird
Erstwhile Publications

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/23 17:49 by wabash2800.

Date: 03/15/23 14:54
Re: Website Hosting
Author: TAW

wabash2800 Wrote:

> I don't look forward to starting the website over
> from scratch, but I suppose sometimes Internet
> fraud is cost of doing business.

I keepo my website structures and files on my local hard drive and maintain the server from those rather than doing all the work on the server. That practice has come in handy several times.


Date: 03/15/23 15:32
Re: Website Hosting
Author: RSNRR

If you go to https://web.archive.org (The Wayback Machine) and do a search, you might be able to find your website and recover your files. Good luck.

Date: 03/15/23 18:06
Re: Website Hosting
Author: wabash2800

Thanks. One of my customers referred me to that site, and I have taken advanatage of that by printing everything. Depending on what format I use with my new webhost, I don't know if I can do anything with the htmls. I am looking into that.

Victor Baird

RSNRR Wrote:
> If you go to https://web.archive.org (The Wayback
> Machine) and do a search, you might be able to
> find your website and recover your files. Good
> luck.

Date: 03/16/23 11:43
Re: Website Hosting
Author: TAW

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Thanks. One of my customers referred me to that
> site, and I have taken advanatage of that by
> printing everything. Depending on what format I
> use with my new webhost, I don't know if I can do
> anything with the htmls. I am looking into that.

There are two methods that might help. If you are using Firefox (I haven't checked others), save page as... into a directory. It will download the html and also the images and other files into a folder in that directory). The other is for each image, right click and save image as...


Date: 03/16/23 14:09
Re: Website Hosting
Author: wabash2800

Yes, Tom, Thanks, I did the latter and also printed them. The blog alone is 40 pages long--mostly information from readers with photos after the book was published.

Victor Baird

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/23 10:08 by wabash2800.

Date: 03/28/23 02:34
Re: Website Hosting
Author: Highspeed

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