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Railfan Technology > Couple of dumb questions.

Date: 05/27/23 06:19
Couple of dumb questions.
Author: Frisco1522

I have a Samsung Android phone and spent an hour last night trying to figure out how I could send a text I received to an email to myself to print it.............no luck.

I'm cleaning out and setting up a Windows 10 desktop for my Grand Daughter.  I want to change the password from mine to hers for "getting into it".    For the life of me I can't remember how I did that a couple years ago with a laptop.

There are smarter people here on TO than this old fart and I need help.


Date: 05/27/23 07:13
Re: Couple of dumb questions.
Author: x9000

To change the password, login.  Then press ctl+alt+del.  select change password.

Date: 05/27/23 10:50
Re: Couple of dumb questions.
Author: Frisco1522

"Change Password" doesn't appear on my Windows 10 task manager

Date: 05/27/23 13:23
Re: Couple of dumb questions.
Author: Lurch_in_ABQ

Text to email S22+:
Display text.
Hold text,turns black.
3 dots top right, select SHARE.
Select email.
Enter email address.
Alternate method:
Display text.
Hold text,turns black.
3 dots top right, select SHARE.
Select COPY.
Open email.
PASTE text.

Date: 05/27/23 16:59
Re: Couple of dumb questions.
Author: x9000

When you do the cad, there should be a dialog box the comes up with a list of options including change password.

Date: 05/28/23 02:39
Re: Couple of dumb questions.
Author: norm1153

"cad" means control-alt-delete.   Press and HOLD control-alt (keys usually on the left of space bar) then while HOLDING those 2 keys, press delete  (probably says DEL )  then you should get the menu choices.

Date: 05/28/23 12:25
Re: Couple of dumb questions.
Author: sou5230

Frisco1522 Wrote:
> "Change Password" doesn't appear on my Windows 10
> task manager
Here's the link from Microsoft about changing a password on a Windows 10 machine. This should be what you are looking for.



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